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Lesson1? Where’s the Library ???????????????????????????????????????????? 教学目标: 1.???? 知识目标:能听、说、读、写单词classroom, gym, library,? 能表演本科对话Where’s the gym? 2.???? 能力目标:能用Where’s the……进行问路。 3.???? 情感目标:通过学习有关校园设施,激发学生热爱学校的情感。通过对话的学习,使学生更加懂礼貌,培养学生助人为乐的品质。 教学重难点: 本课单词和对话。 教具学具:卡片,录音机以及磁带。 教学过程: Step1. Greeting. “Welcome to school, Hello, boys and girls!” 放完暑假刚刚回到学校,那么学生对去年一年学过的知识都有些淡忘,那么新课导入可以相互问候的方式来复习先前学过关于问候的知识,然后可以用聊天的方式聊到暑期都做了些什么,可以复习一下第二册书中学过的关于食物,动作,游戏系列的短语,最后可以采用Where are you going in holiday?引出一些地点名词来导入新课Where’s the……句型。 Step2. Revision. Say to the students“How are you?”“Nice to meet you.”“How do you feel today”等学过的问候语,提示学生回答。 Ask “What did you do in the holiday?”来复习第二册书中学过的关于食物,动作,游戏系列的单词和短语。Then ask “Where did you go this holiday?” Step3. Presentation. 1.The teacher says “This holiday I went to the gym. I play ping-pong in the gym. What’s the gym? I can show you.” Show the picture. 2.Spell and read “gym”, Then stick it on the wall in the classroom. 3.Teacher says “Jenny went to? the library to read a book.” Show the picture of library.? Spell and read “library”, Then stick it on the wall in the classroom. 4. The teacher says “Where are you, my students?” to teach “classroom”. Step4. Practice. 1.Listen to the tape and repeat. 2.Game. “Guess the word” The teacher says “I can play ping-pong. Where is it?” So point to and says “gym”. Step5.Presentation. 1.Teacher shows picture “Danny” and says “He wants to read a book, but he doesn’t know where the library is.”. Let Danny and teacher show the dialogue. “Where is the library?” 2.Write the dialogue on the blackboard,read a few times. 3.The teacher explains “Excuse me , thanks”. Step6. Practice. 1.Listen to the tape and repeat. 2.Do the pair work and play in the role. Step6.练习 板书设计: Lesson1 Where’s the Library? gym????????????????? D: Excuse me. Where’s the Library? library????????????? T: I can show you. Here it is. classroom??????????? D: Thanks. T: You’re welcome. 课后反思: Lesson2 : Turn Right, Turn left ?????????????



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