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信贷评分方法在建立可持续的中小企业信贷业务中的作用 What Roles Can Credit Scoring Methodology Play in Building Sustainable SME Portfolio 征信产品在商业银行信用风险管理中的应用高级研讨会 中国天津 2007年6月20-21日 Symposium on Credit Reporting and Retail SME Banking Tianjing June 20 – 21, 2007 导言 Introduction 中小企业的定义 The Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) defined 数据对中小企业信贷决策的作用 The Relevance of Data for SME decision-making 贯穿中小企业客户生命周期的信贷评分工具 Credit Scoring across the SME account life cycle 结论 Conclusion 导言 Introduction 中小企业的定义 The Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) defined 数据对中小企业信贷决策的作用 The Relevance of Data for SME decision-making 贯穿中小企业客户生命周期的信贷评分工具 Credit Scoring across the SME account life cycle 结论 Conclusion 设定背景/对经济的贡献 Setting the context/Economic relevance: 欧洲 Europe 拉丁美洲 Latin America 美国 US 中国 China 设定背景(欧盟):欧洲委员会关于中小企业的官方定义 Setting the context (EU): European Commission official definition of an SME* 具有以下特征的企业… A business entity that… 员工人数少于250人 Has no more than 250 employees 单个更大企业股东单独或联合持有的股份少于25% Is not more than 25% owned, either singly or jointly, by a larger company 年销售额少于4300万欧元 Has an annual turnover of no more than €43 million 设定背景(欧盟):对经济的贡献 Setting the context (EU): Economic relevance 微型和中小企业对社会和经济起着十分重要的作用 Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises are socially and economically important 欧盟99%的企业为微型和中小企业 Represent 99% of all enterprises in the EU 这些企业提供了6500万个就业机会 Provide around 65 million jobs 为放贷人带来许多业务成长机会 Lot’s of growth opportunities for lenders 2004年Eurobarometer对创业精神的调查:在过去三年中,只有4%的欧洲人参与了企业创办(而美国的这一比例接近12%) 2004 Eurobarometer survey on entrepreneurship: Only 4% of Europeans involved in setting up a business in last 3 years (US rate is close to 12%) 设定背景(拉丁美洲):小企业定义 Setting the context (Latin America):Small business definition 哥伦比亚 COLOMBIA 员工人数不超过200人 Number of Employees up to 200 年销售额少于100万美元 Annual Sales of up to $1 million 信贷总额不超过20万美元 Credit of up to $200,000 小企业的类型 Types of Small Businesses: 个人独资 Sole Proprietors 合伙制 Partnerships 公司制 Corporation


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