3 Mo与rphological structure of English words.ppt

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3 Mo与rphological structure of English words

Chapter 3 Morphological Structure of English Words ;Key points;decontextualization;decontextualization;3.1 Morpheme;Characteristics All the morphemes have their own meanings, but they cannot be further divided, otherwise they will not make any sense. Morphemes may have some variants, e.g. - ation. May also be -tion, -sion,-ion, but they belong to the same suffix because they have the same meaning and grammatical function. ;Look at the following three words. Could you make out how many morphemes they have? Please judge which analysis is correct. denaturalization: de, na, tur, -al, -i, -za, -tion denaturalization: de, nature, -al, -ize, -ation Individualistic: in, divide, -al, -ist, -ic Individualistic: in, di, vi, du, -al, -ist, -ic Undesirables: un, de, sir, -able, -s Undesirables: un, desire, -able, -s;Morphemes are abstract units, which are realized in speech by discrete units known as morphs. 词素是抽象的单元,在言语中以名为刑素的具体单位来体现。 The phonetic or orthographic strings or segments which realize morphemes are termed ‘morphs’. 体现词素的语音串和拼写字节被称为形素。 e.g. tree is a morpheme, but it is realized in speech by /tri:/. ;Mono-morphemic words 单语素单词 eg. bird, green, sad, want,desire, etc. The morpheme of plurality {-s} has a set of morphs: /s/ in cats /z/ in dogs /iz/ in catches ;Allomorph 词素变体;Relationship;Summary ;3. 3 Classifications of morphemes ;Free vs. bound morphemes 自由语素与粘着语素;Morphemes which cannot occur as separate words are bound. They are bound to other morphemes to form words or to perform a particular grammatical function. 粘着语素不能独立成词,只能依附于其他语素上以构成词或担当一定的语法功能。;Free morphemes are all roots /free roots, which are capable of being used as words or as word-building elements to form new words. 自由语素都是词根, 也叫自由词根, 能用作词或作为构成新词的构词要素。 Bound morphemes consist of either roots (bound roots) or affixes. 粘着语素包括词根(粘着词根)和词缀。 e.g., bound root: -dict-, -ced- affix: -ion, -ist, -ic ; A multitude of words made up of merely bound morphem


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