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四级作文;起:起动观点,开篇点题 ;常用句型:;承:观点的承接,即正面论证;常用句型: ;转:观点的转折,即反面论证;合:文章结尾,合并归纳。 ;常用句型: ;学习方法:70%实力+30%技巧 ;积累写作词汇 ;词语搭配;在考场使用的高分词汇: ;(3) be serious—be of consequence 【原句】This matter is very serious. 【修改】This matter is of great consequence. (4) more and more+adj---increasingly+adj., ’ 【原句】The Internet is become more and more popular among young people. 【修改】The Internet is becoming increasingly popular among young people. (5) more and more+sb./sth.---there is an increasing number of sb./sth. doing… 【原句】Nowadays,more and more women choose to go out to work. 【修改】Nowadays, an increasing number of women choose to go out to work.;(6) many+ sb.---the majority of/quite a few + sb. many+ sth.---a great many +sth./a sea of + sth. 【原句】Many parents think the mobile phone will help them to maintain contact with their children. 【修改】Quite a few parents think the mobile phone will help them to maintain contact with their children. 【修改】The majority of parents think the mobile phone will help them to maintain contract with their children. 【原句】There ale many reasons behind it. 【修改】There is a sea of reasons behind it.;(7) In fact—As a matter of fact/ In reality/Virtually (speaking) / Practically 【原句】In fact,either of the choices has advantages and disadvantages. 【修改】As a matter of fact.either of the choices has advantages and disadvantages. 【修改】In reality,either of the choices has advantages and disadvantages. 【修改】Virtually.either of the choices has advantages and disadvantages. 【修改】Practically (speaking),either of the choices has advantages and disadvantages.;(8) and—as well as(and前后连接并列名词时,可考虑此用法) 【原句】There are advantages and disadvantages. 【修改】There are advantages as well as disadvantages. (9) discuss---debate/be of controversy 【原句】This issue has been widely discussed. 【修改】This issue has been widely debated. 【修改】This issue has been of great controversy.;(10) get--obtain/acquire 【原句】Those who study abroad want to get knowledge. 【修改】Those who study abroad want to obtain/acquire knowled


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