Coli与n 精品雅思阅读 开场+判断题.ppt

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Colin雅思阅读 (序曲+判断题); ; “ Live in the present , not in the precedent! ” I will persist until I succeed; What is IELTS? ; 雅思计分方式和考试类别 ;Listening 4 sections 40 items 30 minutes; 雅思阅读同国内外其他考试相比 ; 关于雅思A类阅读词汇解决方案;市面上常见词汇书背诵要求; 雅思阅读评分标准 雅思阅读考试包括3篇文章,总长3000-3300词,考试时间是1小时,需完成40道题。 等级 答对题数 9 40 8.5 38 39 8 36 37 7.5 32-35 7 29-31 6.5 26-28 6 23-25 5.5 19-22;你要的6.5分是这样的;膜拜梦想中的分数--源自于2012暑期班学生;天生的雅思阅读8分好苗子;天生的雅思阅读8分好苗子;天生的雅思阅读8分好苗子;    雅思阅读文章选材清单 建议单科分数目标8分的同学使用  ;3大题源网站使用建议; IELTS文章那么长,信息量如此之多,我应该怎么阅读和做题?(每篇1100 Words,总共3篇) A 先将文章从头到尾细读一遍,然后做题。 B 先读一下文章的标题,如果文章中有图或图表,也先看一下,如果文章中有小标题,应将小标题也看一下。按照各题型技巧依次做题。; Colin‘s 独家雅思阅读定位4部曲; 判断题最佳解决方案 1 题干寻找关键词,原文定位所考段落。 2 快速阅读该段落,在原文中找到和题目相关的一句话或几句话。 3 仔细阅读相关句子,确定正确答案。 ;选择正确的情况(TURE/YES); 2:题目根据原文中的几句话作出句型结构的推论。 A is better than B = B is not the best one 原文:A mother’s wanting her partner to do more housework and child care is a better predictor of poor family adjustment than actual time spent by fathers in these tasks. 题目:The number of hours a father spends doing child care is not the best indicator of how well the family is adjusted.;双重否定相当于肯定原则。 原文:Only 14 percent fathers are highly participant in terms of time spent on family work. 题目: The vast majority of fathers do not take part to any great extent in family. 常见否定词:barely, scarcely, hardly, few, little, never, seldom, rarely, not … ;3:原文的主语范围包括了题目的主语范围。 原文:All the students and staff are automatical members of the Recreation and Aquatics Centers. 题目:The girl students can become the members of the Recreatio


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