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GRE 与issue 部分高频提纲和作文

Society 170 The surest indication of a great nation is not the achievement of its rulers, artists, scientists, but the general welfare of all its people. 同意: 反对:类比人,一个人之有钱,人们会尊重,但能给朋友唱歌,弹琴,写诗即使没钱也会受人尊敬 United States is a great nation not only because it is the richest nation in the world, but also the numerous scientific discoveries and inventions, artists, and political leaders who make great contribution to the civilization of human beings. 在中国,我们的先人虽然比我们穷,但是中国人更加为我们灿烂的历史而自豪,因为那儿有四大发明four great inventions,有伟大的诗人,爱国者和医者。 合:overall national power综合国力 is not only relies on the welfare of all its people, 192 Success in any realms of life comes more often from taking chances or risks than from careful and cautious planning. 36 The greatness of individuals can be decided only by those who live after them, not by their contemporaries. The greatness of individuals is the reflection of their contributions to society at that time as well as the influence in the future. If the achievement of a historical person is only decided by the people living in the 21st century, we’ll unfortunately lose a valuable perspective from which we can objectively judge the person. Admittedly, it is true that many well-known great men who made great contribution is not fairly treated at their contemporaries. In the perspective of the people who live after them, people tend to judge them with equality. Kafka, a famous German novelist and short story writer, was a clerk in the bank all his life and died young and anonymous. Bruno, the famous Italian economist who improved and transmitted the heliocentric theory, is regarded as heretic and persecuted to death. Still, there are many that used to be obscure and misunderstood become well-known and respected by people now. Notwithstanding all the foregoing words, still it is too early to arrive at the conclusion that the greatness of individuals can not decided by those lived by their contemporaries. Two reasons are provided below to further illuminat


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