Lect与ure 5 习语的翻译.ppt

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Lect与ure 5 习语的翻译

习语的翻译;;中英习语文化特色的比较;;宗教信仰的不同;;心理联想的比较;习语翻译中文化特色处理的技巧;直译法;to tread on thin ice 如履薄冰 as clear as crystal 像水晶一样透明 as light as a feather 轻如鸿毛 bull market 牛市 Bear market 熊市 tower of ivory 象牙之塔 ;直译加注;;意译法;;;《红楼梦》中的习语翻译;;香菱笑道:“好姑娘,趁着这个工夫,你教给我作诗罢。”宝钗笑道:“我说你`得陇望蜀呢。(曹雪芹2007:572)   霍译:Bao-chai laughed.`You‘re like the famous general:“one conquest breeds appetite for another”.(Hawkes Minford 1973(vol.2):453)   杨译:“The more you get,the more you want!” chuckled Baochai.(YangYang 2003(vol.II): 969)   乔译:“I say”,Pao-chai laughed,“you no sooner, get the Lung state than you long for the Shu”!(Joly 1893(Book II):382-383);“得陇望蜀”源自《后汉书·岑彭传》,光武帝刘秀使岑彭等率军攻打隗嚣所占的西城、上邽两地,并说:“两城若下,便可带兵南击蜀虏。人苦不知足,既平陇,复望蜀。”后来用“得陇望蜀”其比喻义,这里宝钗是说香菱得寸进尺、贪心不足。 Hawkes用like the famous general(像那个著名的将军一样)试图译出这条成语背后的故事,后边用one conquest breeds appetite for another解释“征服一处又渴望另一处”,比较恰当地传达了成语的意义。 杨译的The more you get,the more you want!更是简单明了地表达了成语的隐含意义,虽然The more...,the more...不算习语,但独特的结构似乎也符合汉语成语音美、形美的特征。 Joly只从字面翻译的you no sooner,get the Lung state than you long for the Shu,如不对Lung和Shu加以注释说明,读者很难体会其意义。;凤姐道:“我哪里照管得这些事,见识又浅,口角又笨,心肠又直率,人家给个棒槌,我就认作针。(曹雪芹2007:180)   霍译: Iam not much of a manager really, said Xi-feng.`I havent got the knowledge, and Im too poor at expressing myself and too simple-minded—always inclined to“take a ramrod for a needle”, as they say.(HawkesMinford 1973(vol.1):307)   杨译:“Im incapable of running things”, she sighed. “Im too ignorant, blunt and tactless, always getting hold of the wrong end of the stick.(YangYang 2003(vol.I):291)   乔译:“How could I control all these manifold matters”, remarked lady Feng:“my experience is so shallow, my speech so dull and my mind so simple, that if any one showed me a club, I would mistake it for a pin.(Joly 1892(Book I):228);;《水浒传》中习语的翻译; 宋江见晃盖死了,如丧考妣一般,哭得发昏。 To Song Jiang it was as if he had lost one of his parents. He cried until he was faint. “考妣’,指父母,“如丧考姚”形容伤心痛公“就像死了父母一样”,中国人讲究“孝”,父母的去世是人生最大的悲痛,此处作者用其来描述宋江对晃盖之死的强烈反映。 译者将之译为lose one ofhis parents简单易懂



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