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   Ⅰ .Please match the words with their proper meanings. 1.emotion      A.托儿所 2.tease B.情感;情绪;感情 3.nursery C.传达;运送 4.cottage D.取笑;戏弄 5.convey E.村舍;小屋 6.pattern F.灵活的;可弯曲的 7.flexible G.具体的 8.concrete H.模式;式样;图案 9.eventually I.转化;转换 10.transform J.最后;终于 答案:1~5 BDAEC 6~10 HFGJI Ⅱ .Write down the meanings of phrases in each sentence. 1.The whole meal was good but the wine in particular was excellent. 尤其;特别 2.Society is made up of people of different abilities. 由……构成 3.—Oh, doctor, I have a pain in my leg. —Take it easy. Let me have a look. 轻松;不紧张;从容 4.They felt sleepy during work because they stayed up watching the World Cup. 熬夜 5.It doesnt make sense for you to buy that expensive coat when these cheaper ones are just as good. 有意义;讲得通 6.Food supplies in the flood-stricken area are running out. We must act immediately before theres none left. 用完 Ⅰ.Look at the pictures and match the poets with the right dynasties or countries. A.England   B.Tang Dynasty  C.Song Dynasty D.Russia E.China F.Germany 答案:(1)~(6) EBCDAF Ⅱ.Look through the picture and poem, and then try to answer the following questions. Looking up, I find the moon bright. Bowing, in homesickness, Im drowned. (1)Can you translate the poem into Chinese? 举头望明月,低头思故乡。 (2)Who wrote the poem? Li Bai. Ⅰ.Fast-reading Read the reading passage quickly, try to get its general idea and answer the following questions. (1)What is the main idea of the reading passage? A brief introduction of a few simple forms of English poems. (2)How many kinds of poems does the reading passage talk about? And which of the following is NOT mentioned? A.Nursery rhymes.    B.Tang poems. C.Haiku. D.Adverb poems. E.List poems. F.The cinquain. Five. D is not mentioned. Ⅱ.Careful-reading 1.Read the parts of the text describing different forms of poetry and fill in the blanks in the chart, getting to know the different patterns of each kind of poem. Different forms of poetry Nursery rhymes Writte


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