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中国普外基础与临床杂志 2008 年 1 月第 15 卷第 1 期  Chin J Ba ses Clin General Sur g , Vol . 15 , No . 1 , J an . 2008 ·31 · 【文章编号】1007 - 9424( 2008) 01 - 0031 - 05 胃癌 ·综述 进展期胃癌多模式治疗的研究进展 何运胜  姜淮芜 【摘要】 目的 介绍进展期胃癌多模式治疗的研究进展 。方法  收集国内、外近年来有关进展期胃癌多模式 治疗的研究进展文献并作一综述 。结果  多模式治疗能提高可切除进展期胃癌患者 R0 切除率 , 降低术后死亡率 , 延长总生存期 ,提高生活质量 。结论  进展期胃癌多模式治疗的应用将具有广阔的发展前景 。 【关键词】  进展期胃癌   多模式治疗 【中图分类号】R735 . 2    【文献标识码】A Current Status of Multimodal Therapy f or Advanced Gastric Carcinoma  H E Yuns heng , J I A N G H uaiw u . The S econ d D ep a rtment of Gene ral S u rg ery , The S econ d A f f i l icate d H osp i t al of N ort he rn S ichuan M e d ical Col leg e , M i any ang 404 H osp i t al , M i any ang 62 1000 , Chi na Cor resp on d i ng A ut hor : J I A N G H uaiw u , Em ai l : j huai w u @y ahoo. com. cn 【Abstract 】 Objective  To review t he research advancement of multimo dal t herap y for advanced gast ric carci noma . Methods  The lit erat ures on multimodal t herap y for advanced ga st ric carcinoma in recent year s were collect ed and reviewed . Results  The multimodal t herap y , such a s p reop erative chemot herap y , p reop erative adj uvant chemo radiot herap y , p reop erative int erventional chemoradiot herap y for advanced ga st ric carcinoma wa s effective becau se it could increa se t he rat e of R0 resection for t he p atient s wit h advanced gast ric carcinoma . And it can decrea se t he mor t alit y rat e aft er op eration , ext end t he overall survival time and imp rove p atient s ’life qualit y . Conclusion  Multimo dal


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