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留学澳洲 实现理想 汇报内容: 一、如何获得国外大学的录取通知书或外国导师的邀请函 二、如何便捷、省钱办理出国留学签证 三、如何取得留学的最大收获 一、如何获得国外大学的录取通知书或外国导师的邀请函 (一)选学校还是选导师? 选学校上学校主页后查导师信息 选导师,到web of science。输入你所研究材料或研究领域的关键词,搜索,按国家排列统计。你会发现,这种材料或研究领域的比较强发文章多的国家,然后直接看该国家的文章,再按照作者排序,就可以看到这种材料或研究领域的这个国家的发表论文最多的作者了。 (1)引文统计,就是选中某作者,然后查看该统计作者的论文,再查看他的引文,此时给出了他的文章的被引总次数。 (2)按文献发表期刊统计该作者的论文,按发表时间统计,可以看到该作者最近几年的发展如何,nature,science, PRL,JACS等高水平文章有多少,那么该导师的水平就一目了然了。 一、如何获得国外大学的录取通知书或外国导师的邀请函 Dear Dr xxx,? thank you for your application to visit the Australian National University. Your application will be considered at the next meeting of the Visitors Committee on the 12th of August, and you will be notified of the outcome of your application in due course.? Kind regards,? xxx. ? COAST (College Outreach and Administrative Support Team) ANU College of Law Building 5 Fellows Road The Australian National University Canberra ACT 0200 Australia ? T:? +61 2 6125 2906 (Christine Debono) T:? +61 2 6125?0454 (Wendy Mohring) T:? +61 2 6125 1096 (Kristian Draxl) T:? +61 2 6125 3487 (Sarah Hull) 一、如何获得国外大学的录取通知书或外国导师的邀请函 Dear Dr xxx, The Visitors Committee met to review your application for a visiting fellow position in the ANU law school and we would like to ask you a few further questions. I am copying in my colleague James Prest who is also interested in Environmental litigation and he has some further questions he would like to ask. I would also like to check that you understand the framework for Visiting Fellow positions at ANU? ???Visiting Fellows do not have any staff allocated to them for supervision of their work - while colleagues (such as James Prest) may be happy to discuss your work informally, there is no expectation that formal supervision is provided. ?There is also no provision available for auditing courses. ?The expectation is that you will work on your own research and meet and talk with colleauges who have an interest in your work and present your work to colleagues in a seminar style context when ready


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