商务英语翻译 第七章 被动语态翻译.ppt

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商务英语翻译 第七章 被动语态翻译

商务英语翻译 第七章 被动语态翻译 * * Homework Translation the following into Chinese Today , I am delighted to have this opportunity to attend the Annual Meeting of World Economic Forum, and discuss with distinguished statesmen, entrepreneurs and scholars from many countries the prospect of the world economy in the 1990s. 我今天十分高兴有机会参加世界经济论坛年会,与来自各国的政治家、企业家和学者们讨论90年大世界经济形式展望。 Please allow me to extend my greetings to the President of the Annual Meeting and all the ladies and gentlemen present here. My greetings also go to the government and people of our host, the Swiss Confederation. 请允许我向大会主席,以及与会的女士们、先生们致意;同时还要对东道主瑞士政府和人民致意。 Translate the following into English: 下午好! 欢迎大家来到这个完美净白、闪耀钻石光彩得“美白十进制”得世界,参加OLAY净白莹采系列大型新闻发布会,见证OLAY净白莹采系列新品----OLAY透白美肌水凝粉底乳在中国正式全面上市。 Good afternoon. Welcome to the perfect whitening and crystal shining world of the “Decimal System”. Thanks for attending the press conference of OLAY white radiance series ----OLAY Translucent Fairness Aqua Foundation in China. 在此,我谨代表宝洁公司,对各位得的光临表示热烈欢迎,感谢各位朋友对OLAY玉兰油品牌的一贯支持。 Please allow me, on behalf of P G to extend our warmest welcome to all the guests presenting here today. Translation of Passive Voice The passive voice is more commonly used in English than in Chinese, especially in the writings of science and technology. In the sentences in which the doers are not necessarily told or not known, the passive is used. And sometimes for the sake of connection of the context, there occurs the passive voice. Since the passive structure seldom appears in Chinese, many passive sentences in English have to be turned into active sentences in Chinese active sentences as many as possible. But the version must be made idiomatic and smooth, not ambiguous or abstruse (hard to understand). This is a problem which is worth our attention. A. Translation into active voice: The novel The Dream of Read Mansion has been translated into many foreign languages. 小说《红楼梦》已译成许多外国文字。 His long, week


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