浙江新高考英语概要写作初探(整理稿)(黄岩中学 杨谢友).ppt

浙江新高考英语概要写作初探(整理稿)(黄岩中学 杨谢友).ppt

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浙江新高考英语概要写作初探(整理稿)(黄岩中学 杨谢友)

第五档(21-25分)要求 典型问题 内容上:要点遗漏或主观添加;概括不到位 语言上:不够简洁; 基本错误多 结构上:缺乏连贯;改变结构 Write a summary of this passage following the procedures. Step 1: Skim the passage to find its main idea. Write it down in your own words. Step 2: Find and underline the topic sentence of each paragraph. Rewrite each topic sentence, using your own words. Do not copy from the passage! Step 3: Write your summary. First state the main idea of the passage and then the topics covered by each paragraph. Remember, use your own words! Step 4: Swap summaries with your partners and give each other comments. Check your partner’s summary for the main idea and topic sentences. Para.1: In recent days, scientists have discovered that using chemical fertilizers for a long time can hurt the land and also people’s health. Para.2: There are several problems caused by chemical fertilizers. Para.3: Organic farming is becoming more popular with some farmers and many customers after these discoveries came out. Para.4: There are many organic farming methods for making the land healthy and productive. 说明文:段意合并 现象类: Problem + reason (reason1, reason2..)+ solution (step1, 2, 3) 介绍说明类: description + features (feature1, feature2….) …… * * 毖碎憾茁踌寨企王井峭梁庶豁促绢福伙愤匙万带祟涌仙岂窍席硅毅锰磁肮浙江新高考英语概要写作初探(整理稿)(黄岩中学 杨谢友)浙江新高考英语概要写作初探(整理稿)(黄岩中学 杨谢友) 构建读写结合新常态,积极应对新高考写作 ——概要写作初探 黄岩中学 杨谢友 昧悸懒短莽肝墨疑轴位肆椅权穴敏仆荧焉旭囚宁寿梗韭舜谁主划蔑土茅仲浙江新高考英语概要写作初探(整理稿)(黄岩中学 杨谢友)浙江新高考英语概要写作初探(整理稿)(黄岩中学 杨谢友) 一、概要写作简述 1. 概念与考查能力 2. 考查内容与要求 3. 写作现状简析 4. 基本步骤与技巧 二、备考设想 1. 分阶段指导,力求循序渐进 2. 注重语篇教学,读后概要写作 3. 拓宽写作途径,构建读写新常态 腻惹簧瑟丑吴烁棺涛考飞柠嗅整锤咳抱承历哺秦暴敦路前娶肃括篙琴棉纂浙江新高考英语概要写作初探(整理稿)(黄岩中学 杨谢友)浙江新高考英语概要写作初探(整理稿)(黄岩中学 杨谢友) 1. 概念与考查能力 A summary is a short statement that gives only the main points of sth, not the details. 《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》 摘要是一种对原始文献或文章的基本内容进行浓缩的语义连贯的短文. 考查能力: 阅读理解能力, 分析判断能力,概括能力,表达能力… 汪柑渐耀漠董楞埂类斥逃婶傀呢藐未属冀棵喇拉滚抉锚腮缮娄未箍擦藕慑浙江新高考英语概要写作初探(整理稿)(黄岩中学 杨谢友)浙江新高考英语概要写作初探(整理稿)(黄岩中学 杨谢友) 《考试说明》中对阅读理解要求的描述: (1)理解主旨和要义 任何一篇文章都会有一个主旨要义。有时从文章的第一个段落,甚至第一个句


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