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Unit 6 Memorandums What is a memo? It is a format of internal communication,which can communicate information, explain new procedures, announce changes,make requests, confirm results, or offer advice. Memorandums “备忘录”是商业机构和工商企业用来联系工作、交流信息、处理一般公务时一种简便函件,是公司之间或内部用来传递信息的一种文本形式,在国际商务中的使用频率比较高,是对外经济贸易领域中常用的外事文书之一。作用类似留言条但比较庄重,主要用来提醒、督促收件人,交际功能可以理解为“以此为证”的意思。因此,“备忘录”的使用价值更多地体现在存档备查、日后参考上。 备忘录采用书面形式,但是交际功能和版面设计又不像其它正式文本那么严格,所用词语比较简明通俗,目的在于收件人容易明白并迅速传播开来。有时为了就某一件事提醒对方,作为一种客气的催促或询问,也可送交备忘录,或就某个问题提出个人看法或建议。 The format of a memo 1. Heading( example1) 2. Body: the body of the memo is always typed in the block style.That is paragraphs are not indented.(缩进)(example 2) Types of Memos 1. Instruction Memo( 指示性备忘录) Style: simple and direct. Content: 1) INTRODUCTION, 2) MAIN POINT 3) SECONDARY INFORMATION 4) action to be taken Example To: All Staff From: Allen Smith,Administrative Officer Date: May 12, 2006 Subject:Operating Instructions for New Copying Machine A New photocopier has been installed in the general office. All staff is welcome to use it.( introduction) To ensure the copier’s survival, it is important to keep the following procudures in mind. (main point ) · Use the machine for no longer than 30 minutes at a time. · After use, allow the machine to cool for at least 5 minutes. · Make sure the switch is turned off after use. (secondary information) Please speak to me if you have any questions about the machine. (action) 上级致下级 Memos from the Management 例1.推迟圣诞晚会备忘录 (Postponing the staff Christmas party) TO: All Staff FROM: Management DATE: November 9, 2007 SUBJECT: STAFF CHRISTMAS PARTY 例2.公司转制吹风会备忘录 (About the company merger) MEMORANDUM Date: September 21, 2007 To: Staff Members including foreign employees From: Zhang Liang, President Re: Company Merger 例3.公司规定变动备忘录 (About the phone policy change) To: Marketing Department From: Stan Clark, Vice President Date: De


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