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Lesson 8 Operation and Maintenance of Main Engine 第8课 主机的运行与养护 Operating Procedures操作程序 Medium-speed and slow-speed diesel engines will follow a fairly similar procedure for starting and manoeuvring. 中、低速柴油机的起动和操作的程序完全相似。 Where reversing gearboxes or controllable-pitch propellers are used then engine reversing is not necessary. 当采用可换向减速齿轮箱或变距桨时主机不必逆转。 A general procedure is now given for engine operation which details the main points in their correct sequence. 如下给出的为主机正确操作程序的要点。 Where a manufacturers instruction book is available this should be consulted and used. 当有厂家说明书时, 应参照说明书。 Preparations for standby备车 1. Before a large diesel is started it must be warmed through by circulating hot water through the jackets, etc. This will enable the various engine parts to expand in relation to one another. 1.在主机起动前, 应通过在缸套中循环的热水对主机进行暖机, 以使主机各部分相对膨胀。 2. The various supply tanks, filters, valves and drains are all to be checked. 2.检查各补给柜、滤器、阀件, 并放残。 3. The lubricating oil pumps and circulating water pumps are started and all the visible returns should be observed. 3.起动滑油泵、循环水泵, 并观察回流情况。 4. All control equipment and alarms should be examined for correct operation. 4.检查所有控制设备和报警装置是否工作正常。 5. The indicator cocks are opened, the turning gear engaged and the engine turned through several complete revolutions 5.打开示功旋塞, 合上盘车机, 转动主机几转 In this way any water which may have collected in the cylinders will be forced out. 如果气缸中有水将会被排出。 6. The fuel oil system is checked and circulated with hot oil. 6 检查燃油系统, 并用热油对系统进行循环。 7. Auxiliary scavenge blowers, if manually operated, should be started. 7.如果辅助扫气泵为手动起动, 应将其起动。 8. The turning gear is removed and if possible the engine should be turned over on air before closing the indicator cocks, 8.脱开盘车机, 如果可能, 在关闭示功旋塞前, 应使用空气转动主机。 9. The engine is now available for standby. 9.主机现在已备好。 The length of time involved in these preparations will depend upon the size of the engine. 备车时间的长短取决于主机的尺寸。 Engine starting起动 1. The direction handle is positioned a


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