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一 1、Alan was always in trouble with the police when he was young but he’s now a respectable married man. 艾伦总是在麻烦警方当他年轻的时候,但他现在是一位受人尊敬的已婚男人。 2、The people who had been hurt in the car accident lay screaming in agony. 在车祸中受伤的人们躺着痛苦尖叫。 3、Because his condition’s not serious they’ve put his name down on the hospital waiting list. 因为他的情况并不严重,他们已经把他的名字写在医院里等待名单中。 4、The second part of the book describes the strange sequence of events that lead to the King’s fall from power. 第二部分,这本书描述了奇怪的一连串的事件,导致国王失去权力。 5、When I say my little boy crying bitterly over the death of his pet dog ,I could hardly hold back my tears. 我的小儿子伤心的哭着当我说他的宠物狗死了,我无法抑制我的眼泪。 6、They are going to distribute those clothes and blankets among the flood victims. 他们打算分发那些衣服和毛毯给受洪灾的难民。 7、Linda managed to support herself by working off and on as a waitress. 琳达设法支持自己通过当服务员断断续续地工作。 8、Parts of my childhood are so vivid to me that they could be memories of yesterday. 我童年时代的部分对我而言是如此生动的,他们是昨天的回忆。 9、People often associate the old days with good times, and seem to forget the hardship they suffered. 人们常把过去和美好的时光连续起来,而且似乎忘记了他们遭受的苦难。 10、Andrew finally decided , after much thought , to leave his job. 安德鲁终于决定,深思熟虑之后,离开了他的工作。 11、Jane’s worried she won’t be able to turn in her paper on time. 简的担心她不能准时上交她的论文。 12、The President came under attack from all sides for his inability to tackle the country’s sever social problem. 总统受到全面的攻击,由于他无法解决国家严重的社会问题。 二 1、There was no wind and the oak tree behind the house was standing absolutely still. 没有风,房子后面的橡树站着完全不动了 2、If you don’t want to buy a kite , you can make your own using directions available in books at your local library. 如果你不想买风筝的话,你可以自己做一个可在您当地的图书馆的说明书。 3、The girl walked steadily north ,pausing every now and then to check her direction. 这个女孩稳步朝北走,经常暂停时不时检查她的方向。 4、The trade unions urged employers to invest more money in staff training. 工会呼吁雇主投资更多的钱在人员培训上。 5、As a sailing ship has a destination, so we must have a definite goal in our life. 帆船有目的地,所以我们必须有一个明确的目标,在我们的生活中。 6、Before peopl


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