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第30 卷第2 期 食 品 与生 物 技 术学 报 Vol. 30 No. 2
2011 年3 月 Journal of Food Science and Biotechnology M ar. 2011
黄 亮, 宋虹霖, 王 莉, 丁辉, 马 呈, 童应凯*
( 天津农学院农学系, 天津300384)
: 从天津4 条主要河流( 流减河, 南运河, 北运河, 子牙河) 中分离出了耐高温的蛭弧菌并
pH温度等生物学特性的测定, 结果表明: 耐高温蛭弧菌在pH 70~ 75 生长最好; 对热致死的大
肠杆菌, 嗜水气单胞菌, 荧光假单胞菌等3 种细菌仍有裂解作用且出斑时间较裂解活菌早; 寄生谱
测定发现其可侵染绝大多数革兰氏阴性菌和部分革兰氏阳性菌, 且为专性寄生
: 蛭弧菌; 耐高温菌株; 生物学特性
: Q 939. 97 : A
Purification of Bd ellovibrio with High Temperature Resistance
in Tianjin Rivers and Preliminarily Studies on Its Biological Characteristics
HUAN G Liang, SONG Honglin, WANG Li, DING Hui, MA Cheng, T ONG Ying ai
( Department of Agricult ure, Tianjin Agricultural University, Tianjin 300384, China)
bstract: Bde ll ov i br i o w hich could grow n at high temperature conditions w as screened and
purified in T ianjin four main rivers. T he biological characteristics w ere tested by double dec agar
plate, including its host spectra, pH resistance, and cultivation temperature. T he results show ed
that the Bd ell ov i br i o with high temperature resistance grow ed w ell at pH 70~ 75, and it could
prey on the dead bacteria earlier compared w ith the living bacteria, such as Escher ic hi a c ol i,
A er omonas hy dr op h i la, P seudomonas f l uor escens , mass of gram negative bacteria and some
gram positive bacteria could be preied on by the Bdellovibrio, w hich is an obligate parasite.
Key words: Bde ll ov i br io; thermostable strain; biological characteristics
( Bd