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The Disk Covering Tour Problem for Wireless Sensor Networks
Jia-Jiun Yang (楊家俊) Jehn-Ruey Jiang (江振瑞)
國立中央大學資訊工程所 國立中央大學資訊工程所
kingmaykou1@ jrjiang@.tw
in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). The DCTP problem is
concerned with how to find the minimum cost tour to cover a
本論文探討圓碟覆蓋旅途問題(disk covering tour given set of points in the Euclidean plane, where the tour
problem, DCTP) 以減少行動裝置在無線感測網路(wireless starts at a starting tour stop, passes through several tour stops,
sensor network, WSN)中移動的電量成本。 DCTP問題討論 and goes back to the starting tour stop. A tour stop is not
如何在給定起始點及若干平面點的條件下,找出一條最小 necessary on a given point, but every given point should be
成本(cost)的旅途 (tour) ,此旅途由起始停駐點(tour stop) 出 covered by a tour stop within a specific disk radius. Since a
發經過多個停駐點 (tour stop)後回到起始停駐點。停駐點不 mobile device consumes more energy when it reaches and
需要在給定的點上,但每一個給定的點至少要能與旅途中 leaves a tour stop, a smaller number of tour stops is preferred.
的某個停駐點的距離在給定的圓碟半徑內。由於行動裝置 We propose the Decreasing K-means (DK-means) algorithm
移入與移出停駐點時會耗掉較多電量,因此停駐點個數越 to find the nearly minimum number of tour stops to cover all
少越能減少旅途成本,我們將如何減少停駐點個數視為圓 given points and then find a nearly shortest tour passing
碟覆蓋問題 (disk covering problem, DCP) ,提出decreasing through all tour stops with the Lin-Kernighan Heuristic
k-means (Dk-means)演算法嘗試找出近似(nearly)最少圓碟 (LKH). We simulate the proposed algorithm and compare it
來覆蓋所有給定點,再透過得到的停駐點以 Lin-Kernighan