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第 18 卷 第 1 期 化 学 进 展 Vol. 18 No. 1
2006 年 1 月 PROGRESS IN CHEMISTRY Jan. , 2006
王 俊 刘志宏 蔡汝秀 林智信
(武汉大学化学与分子科学学院 武汉 430072)
摘 要 一切生物体系本身均存在固有的非线性、非平衡振荡行为。无论是活性酶体系 ,线粒体体系还
是细胞体系都存在许多自组织的时空振荡现象。细胞分析是研究生命过程的切入点 ,也是现代分析化学研
究的前沿和热点。本文评述了以耗散结构为基础 , 以时空振荡为依托的生物时空振荡分析方法及其特点,重
关键词 生物时空振荡 酶振荡 钙振荡 糖酵解振荡 细胞分析
( )
中图分类号: Q591 ; O652 文献标识码 : A 文章编号 : 1005281X 2006
Current Development of Analytical Methods Based on
Biological Spatiotemporal Oscillators
Wang Jun Liu Zhihong Cai Ruxiu Lin Zhixin
(College of Chemistry and Molecular Sciences , Wuhan University , Wuhan 430072 , China)
Abstract Nonlinear and nonequilibrium oscillatory behaviors are very common in biological systems , i. e.
peroxidaseoxidase reaction , mitochondrion and cell systems. Cell analysis is not only the cutin point of study on the life
process , but also the key subset in modern analytical chemistry. An overview is presented on the analytical method based
on dissipation structure and depended on biological spatiotemporal oscillators. The applications of peroxidaseoxidase
oscillation , calcium oscillation and glycolytic oscillation on the cellular metabolism assay are summarized.
Key words biological spatiotemporal oscillators ; peroxidaseoxidase oscillation ; calcium oscillation ; glycolytic
oscillation ; cell analysis
荡。无论是活性酶体系 ,线粒体体系还是细胞体系
1 引 言