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( 2011 No. 2) www. cdfn. com. cn
冯庆立, 张 胜, 余莉花, 孙 军
( 北京化工大学 碳纤维及功能高分子教育部重点实 室, 北京 100029)
: ,
, : 31,
20% , 170 , LOI 29. 6% ,
5% ( SEM ) ,
, ,
: 阻燃整理; 阻燃剂; 织物; 聚对苯二甲酸乙二酯纤维
: TS195592 : A : 1000- 4017( 2011) 02- 0028- 04
Application of intum escent flam e retardant finish to polyester fabric
FENG Q ingli, HANG Sheng, YU Lihua, SUN Jun
K ey Laboratory of Carbon F iber and FunctionalP olym ers, M in istry of Education,
B eij ing University of C em ical T ec nology, B eij ing 100029, C ina
Abstract: An intumescent flame retardant ( IFR) system contani ing phosphorusand nitrogen isappleid to polyester fabric. The
fni ishing process isoptmi ized and the properties of treated fabrci are characterized. The optmi um process isas follows: mass
ratio ofphosphorusand nitrogen constituent31, the totaldosage of IFRsystem 20 , curingat170 . The treated PET fabric
is mi parted good resistance tomeltdropand its LOIreached to 29. 2w ith breaking strength loss less than5 . Characterization
ofthe thermogravmi etrci anaylsis, differentai lscanning caol rmi etry (DSC) and SEM indicates that muchmore residualchar
with intumescent structure is fomr ed during combustoi nofpolyester fabric, whose decomposition temperature si lowercom
pared to that of the untreated sampel.
Key w ords: fire proofnig finish; fire proofing agent; fabric; polyesterfiber
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0 引言
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