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shake vi. / vt. (shook, shaken) (P25) *The whole house shook during the explosion. *The explosion shook the house. *Please shake the bottle before taking. *The host shook hands with all the guests. *Nothing can shake our determination to overcome the difficulty. *They were badly shaken by the news. shake hands with sb. shake one’s head right away: at once ; immediately * I am getting in touch with him right away. rise (rose, risen) vi. (Para 1, Line 2) rise vi.: 升起;上升; 上涨 (不能用于被动语态) raise vt.: 举起 ; 使升起; 提高 (可用于被动语态) * The flood has risen two feet. * She usually rises early in the morning. * He raised a heavy box over his head. * We must raise the living standard of the people . * Food prices are still rising. * He raised the child from the ground. * The child rose from the ground. smelly adj. 发臭的 (Para 1, Line 3) n.+y adj. windwindy dreamdreamy iceicy sunsunny cloudcloudy rainrainy bloodbloody greedgreedy tastetasty too+adj.+to do sth. =so+adj.+that-clause (否定) * This book is too difficult for me to read. =This book is so difficult that I can not read. burst n. (Para 1, L7) * There is a burst in the water pipe. burst vi. (burst, burst) * When he was riding, the tire burst. * The house burst into flames. * The girl burst into tear. =The girl burst out crying. burst into+sth.=burst out+doing sth. as usual 照常,惯常 (Para1, Line 8) * As usual, it rained on my birthday. * As usual, he wanted to be first. seem link-v. 看来; 似乎; 好像(Para 2, Line 1) * It seems that he is lying. =He seems to be lying. * I seem to have seen her before. =It seems that I have seen her before. seem to do sth.=It seems that-clause at an end 结束; 终结 * The long hot summer was at last at an end. * The war is at an end. * At the end of the road you’ll find a shop. * He is at the end of his patience. * The meeting came to an end at midnight. lie vi. (lay, lain) 处于某种状态 (Par


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