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《电子信息技术专业英语》一 重修试卷 (考试时间90分钟) 一、单词拼写(15%) 1. 电子 9. 种类 2. 导电性 10. 可获得的 3. 性质,特性 11. 包裹。管壳 4. 衬底 12. 内在的,国内的 5. 成分,元件 13. 开关 6. 条纹 14. 完成 7. 减少,缩减量 15 . 物质 8. 消耗,分散 二、翻译下列专业术语(20%) 1. electronic counter 6.自由电子 2. frequency synthesizer 7.正向偏置 3. digital instrument 8.反向输入端 4. operational amplifier 9.8管脚双列直插式 5. digital electronics 10.数字逻辑门 三、句子翻译(30%) Atom is composed of an nucleus and electrons moving in orbit about it. The electrically interconnected component that make up an IC are called integrated elements. The invention of IC is a great revolution in the electronic industry, sharp size, weight reduction are possible with these techniques. The operational amplifier is the most important basic building block of all linear circuits. Any logic function can be performed by the three basic gates that have been described. 电动势可对电荷做功。 温度可以影响半导体的导电能力。 集成电路尺寸小,成本低,因此应用范围越来越大。 741器件是最常用也是最便宜的集成电路。 二进制系统中5被表示成101。 四、 写出下列各词的反义词(5%) 1. adj. positive 6. n. absence 2. n. opening 7. n. linear 3. adj. digital 8.adj. simple 4. adj. discrete 9. n. insulator 5. v. charge 10.n. input 五、单项选择(10%) 1. Current is the time rate of change of . A. charge B. voltage C. ampere 2. If voltage pulse are used in digital operation, the absence of a pulse can be represented by . A. 1 B. 0 C. 2 3. The man was brought in with his hands behind his back. A. tying B. to tie C. tied 4. Many teachers were praised at the meeting, Mr. Zhou . A. including B. included C. being included 5. We would like the problem at once. A. to be settled B. settled C. be settled 6. He looked at the faces before him. A. worried B. worrying C. worry 7. He promised about this matter. A. to tell no anyone B. not to tell anyone C. not to tell no one 8. from the distance, the hill looks like an elephant. A. Seen B. Seeing C. To see 9.


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