【SoCVista】An Asynchronous implement of Add-computer-seletc processor for communication system.pdf

【SoCVista】An Asynchronous implement of Add-computer-seletc processor for communication system.pdf

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【SoCVista】An Asynchronous implement of Add-computer-seletc processor for communication system

第 26 卷  第 5 期 半  导  体  学  报 Vol . 26  No . 5 2005 年 5 月    C H IN ESE J OU RNAL O F SEM ICONDU C TOR S   May ,2005 An Asynchronous Implementation of AddCompareSelect Processor f or Communication Systems Zhao Bing , Qiu Yulin , L üTieliang , and Hei Yo ng ( ) I ns t i t ute of M icroelect ronics , Chi nese A ca demy of S ciences , B eij i ng  100029 , Chi na ( ) Abstract : A novel asynchronou s A CS addcomp areselect p rocessor for Vit erbi deco der i s described . It i s cont rolled by local handshake signal s in st ead of t he globe clock . The circuit s of a synchronou s adder unit ,asynchronou s comp a rator unit ,and a synchronou s selector unit are p ropo sed . A fullcu stom design of a synchronou s 4bit A CS p rocessor i s μ fabricat ed in CSMCHJ 06 m CMO S 2 P2M mixedmode p rocess. At a supp ly volt age of 5V ,when it op erat es at 20M Hz ,t he power con sump tion i s 755mW . The p rocessor ha s no dynamic power con sump tion when it await s an op port unit y in sleep mo de . The result s of p erformance t est of asynchronou s 4bit A CS p rocessor show t hat t he average ca se respon se time 19 18n s i s only 82 % of t he wor stca se respon se time 2337n s. C


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