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精致服务 卓越品质 2010 年模拟试题一 Paper One Part I Dialogue Communication (15 minutes, 15 points) Section A Dialogue Completion Directions :In this section, you will read five short incomplete dialogues between two speakers, each followed by four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the answer that best suits the situation to complete the dialogue. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 1. Speaker A: The economic news doesn’t look good, does it? Speaker B: _____. We really need to get the rising price structure under control. A. Yes, I think so. B. No, the news was unconvincing. C. Not according to the news. D. Yes, the news has told a fact. 2. Speaker A: Hey. I’m sorry to interrupt, but there’s something important I have to tell you. Speaker B: _____ Speaker A: Not really. It’s pretty important. A. Can’t it wait? B. Will you please leave me alone? C. Why do you choose such a crucial moment? D. Don’t you see, I am busy now. 3. Speaker A: I’m anxious to get started on my project. Can we discuss it sometime before the weekend? Speaker B: A. Why didn’t you tell me earlier? B. Yes, that could be arranged. C. I can’t spend any time. D. Yes, it’s easy to discuss it. 4. Speaker A: Excuse me, boss. There’s a Jack Welsh on the line. Do you want to talk to him? Speaker B: A. Oh, I’m afraid I won’t. B. No, have him call back later. C. Does he want to leave a me


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