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《人工智能》 课程论文 AI技术,总结了游戏AI的设计原则,并提出了游戏AI的发展趋势,对游戏设计和开发人员具有一定的指导意义,也有助于玩家从设计角度认识电脑游戏。游戏人工智能是人工智能科学技术领域一个新兴的、活跃的学科分支,是计算机游戏和人工智能相结合的产物。人工智能是近几年游戏业界的焦点所在,随着人工智能理论研究的进展,许多现代游戏都具有了很多的智能成分。他们想要探索新的理念,使AI技术进入下一代,到那时,AI不仅是要创造有趣的游戏对手,而且还要使这个对手能够与玩家交谈,能和众多的在线冒险家周旋,能在一个一个的游戏中不断学习,使它在下一轮的游戏中变得更加聪明机智。目前,游戏开发中的人工智能正处于一场革命之中,人工智能的迅速发展必将推动整个游戏产业的飞速发展。 关键词:游戏AI游戏AI技术游戏角色 Abstract This paper introduces the game AI techniques, summed up the game AI design principles, and proposed the development of game AI trends for game designers and developers are of significance, also helped the players know computer games from a design perspective. Game AI is artificial intelligence a new, active in the field of science and Technology Branch, is the result of combining computer gaming and artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence is the focus of the game industry in recent years, with progress in artificial intelligence research, many modern games have a lot of intelligent components. They wanted to explore new ideas, that AI technology into the next generation, until then, AI is not only to create fun games opponents, but also to enable the opposition to talk with players, and numerous online adventure world, can learn in one game and make it become more clever in the next round of games. At present, the games artificial intelligence is in the midst of a revolution in the development and the rapid development of artificial intelligence will promote the rapid development of the gaming industry as a whole. Key words: game AI AI technology character 目录 引言 4 一、电脑游戏和游戏AI 5 二、游戏智能的系统结构 5 三、游戏AI技术 6 1. 有限状态机 6 2.脚本语言 7 3.模糊逻辑 7 4. 决策树 8 5.神经网络 8 6.遗传算法 8 四、游戏引擎与人工智能 9 五、游戏AI的设计原则 11 1.基于个人体验进行渐进式的设计 11 2.使游戏AI具有灵活性和开放性 12 3.平衡性 12 4、区分个体智能和群体智能 12 5.简洁性 13 六、游戏AI的未来 13 引言 人工智能(简称AI)是一门综合性学科,旨在研究如何利用计算机等现代化工具种系统来模仿人类的智能行为。游戏中的人工智能(简称游戏AI)可以理解为所有由计算机在游戏中所做的“思考”,它使得游戏表现出与人的智能行为、活动相类似,或者与玩家的思维、感知相符合的特性。在电脑游戏的设计和开发中应用人工智能技术,可以提高游戏的可玩性,改善游戏开发的过程,甚至会改变游戏的制作方式。 游戏人工智能是人工智能科学技术领域一个新兴的、活跃的学科分支,是计算机游戏和人工智能


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