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摘 要引信是利用目标信息和环境信息或按照预定条件使弹药适时起爆的控制系统。无线电引信是通过无线电波形成的物理场,感受目标出现时物理场特性的变化,并在预定位置适时起爆的一种引信。其中连续波多普勒无线电引信是目前应用较多且技术比较简单的引信。它利用弹丸与目标接近过程中无线电波的多普勒效应获得目标信息,控制最佳炸点的连续波无线电引信。随着现代电子技术的迅猛发展,在最短的周期内研制出性能良好的引信是人们一直追求的目标。采用实物测试的方式,完成试验需要花费大量的财力、物力和人力,且需要很长的周期。为了克服上述的缺点,本文以连续波多普勒无线电引信为对象,分析该引信的工作原理与组成结构。根据对连续波多普勒无线电引信的研究,设计引信的振荡器、滤波器、混频器与放大器。首先对引信模块电路进行设计分析,完善模块电路结构与性能。然后建立引信的整体电路并应用multisim软件对引信电路进行仿真测试,分许引信电路的特性,掌握引信电路的工作过程,提高该引信电路的探测精度和工作的可靠性。关键词:无线电引信;多普勒效应;Multisim软件;仿真测试AbstractFuze is or according to predetermined conditions the ammunition timely initiation of control system with environment and object information. Radio fuze is physical field formed by radio waves, feel the goal of physical field characteristics of the changes, and at a predetermined position timely initiation of a fuze. The continuous wave Doppler radio fuze is currently widely used and relatively simple technology of fuze. It uses the projectile and target close to the radio waves in the process of the Doppler effect to obtain the target information, control optimum point of explosion in the continuous wave radio fuze.With the rapid development of modern electronic technology, in the shortest possible period developed the good performance of the fuze is people have been pursuing the goal. By physical testing, complete test need to spend a lot of money, manpower, material resources and, and the need to a long cycle. In order to overcome the shortcomings, this paper with continuous wave Doppler radio fuze as the object. Analysis principle and internal structure of the fuze, according to the actual situation of the design of fuze oscillator, filter, mixing to and amplifier, to determine the parameters of the components, and continuous wave Doppler radio fuze simulation test system was constructed in Multisim software platform of the die Block circuit is simulated and analyzed. According to the simulation results, the circuit performance and characteristics of the fuze are analyzed and improved.Key words: ra


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