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Unit One Great Scientists 一周强化 一、语音及拼读规则 二、单元重点单词 1.characteristic adj. n. (1) adj. 典型性的(typical) e.g.He spoke with characteristic enthusiasm. 他以特有的热情说话。 (2) n. (与众不同的)特征;特性(distinguishing feature) e.g.What characteristics distinguish the Americans from the Canadians? 美国人和加拿大人的特征有什么不同? 2.theory n. 学说;理论;意见;想法;设想 e.g.Darwin’s theory of evolution 达尔文的进化论 He has a theory that wearing hats makes men go bald. 他有个看法是男人戴帽子就会秃顶。 It sounds fine in theory, but will it work? 道理是不错,但能否行得通? 3.scientific adj. 科学的,用于科学研究的,关于科学的(of, used in or involved in science) e.g.They are very scientific in their approach. 他们的方法很科学。 a scientific discovery, instrument, textbook, researcher 科学发现、科学仪器、理科教科书、科学研究人员 4.examine v. 仔细观察;检查;调查;审查(look at carefully in order to learn about or from) e.g.The detective examined the window frame for fingerprints. 侦探仔细查看窗框,寻找指纹。 The doctor examined her patient carefully. 那位医生仔细检查病人。 5.conclude vt. vi. (1)(使某事物)结束(come or bring sth. to an end) e.g.The meeting concluded at 8 o’clock. 会议于8时结束。 The story concludes with the hero’s death. 这故事随主人公死亡而告终。(conclude with) He concluded by saying that… 他结束讲话时说…… She concluded her talk with a funny story. 她以一个有趣的故事结束谈话。(conclude…with) (2)推断出;达成;决定(come to believe sth. as a result of reasoning) e.g.Those are the facts; what do you conclude from them? 这些都是事实,你能从中得出什么结论?(conclude sth. from sth.) The jury concluded, from the evidence, that she was guilty. 陪审团根据证据作出结论,认定她有罪。 We concluded to go out. 我们决定出去。(conclude to do sth.) 6.analyse vt. 分析;研究(examine and explain sth. or study its nature or structure) e.g.By analyzing the parts of the sentence we learn more about English grammar. 分析句子成分就能多了解一些英语语法。 We must try to analyse the causes of the strike. 我们得研究一下罢工的原因。 7.repeat v. n. (1) v. 重复;反复(地说和做)(say or write sth. again once or more than once) e.g.She repeated what she had said. 她重复了自己说的话。 He repeated her statement word for word. 他一字不差地重复她的话。 Don’t repeat what I said to anyone---it’s confidential. 别把我的话告诉别人——这是秘密。 (2)n. 重复;


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