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21 2 Vol. 21, No. 2 2005 6 W ORLD EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING Jun. , 2005 : 1007606 ( 2005) 陈国兴 陈继华 ( , 21000 ) : , 1( ) 2(), 7 8 (v s ) , T aftNorthridge, 2 2 2 Taft Northridge 0. 35m / s 0. 70m / s 0. 8m / s, SHAKE 1 128 (v 500m /s)( ) , s : ( 1) ( ) , ; ( 2), , ; ( 3), 400m /s 2 ; , , v 500m / s s : ; ; ; : P315 : A A study on the influ ence of seism ic wave inpu ting in terface on th e earthquake respon se of deep soft sites CHEN Guoxing CHEN Jihua ( Institute ofGeotechnical Engineering, Nanjing University ofTechnology, N anjing 21000 , China) Abs tract: Earthquake effects of tw o typ ical deep soft sites selected from T ianjing ( site NO. 1) and Shanghai ( site NO. 2) cities are studied when the vertical inputing earthquakew aves are located in d ifferent depth of sites. A s far as the shearw ave velocity of soil layers is concerned, 7 k inds of soil layers in site NO. 1 and 8 soil layers in site NO. 2 are selected as the vertical inputing interfaces of earthquake w aves. Tw o accelerationw aves recorded during Taft earthquake and Northbridge earthquake are selected, and the peak values of tw o w aves are adjusted to be


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