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学车问答 学车问题 开车问题 学车怎么办? 驾校大全 中国驾校报名 考试 理论学习 地址 介绍 英格驾考 / 驾考单机版软件 车类小游戏 学车小游戏大全 五、几个主要不定代词的含义及用法 1.someone 后的代词分别用 he,his,him;everyone,any one,none 后的代词可分别用 he,his,him,也可分别用 they,their,them;one 后的物主代词一般用 one‘s,但重复两次时则用 his;one of 后的物主代词一般用his;each 后的代词可分别用 he,his,him。 1.(长春调研)Gradually, you will realize that the things that matter are ______ that cant be bought with money. A.these B.those C.ones D.some 解析:考查代词。因该代词被that从句限定,因此使用those,相当于the ones。 答案:B 2.(北京东城期末)You can take ______ half of the cake; theyre exactly the same. A.both B.either C.any D.each 解析:考查代词。语意:你可以拿蛋糕的任意半块,它们是一样的。据此可知用either表示“两者中的任意一个”,所以选B项。 答案:B 3.(北京海淀期末)-Is he leaving tomorrow? -No. Hell continue to stay here for ______ four or five days. A.another B.other C.the other D.every other 解析:考查不定代词的用法。因为此处“范围不确定”,所以用another, another four or five days表示“另外四五天”。语意:他将在这里多待四五天。所以这里选A项。 答案:A 4.(陕西西安质检)Are you driving to the airport, sir? Id appreciate ______ if you could give me a lift. A.that B.you C.this D.it 解析:语意:先生,你是开车去机场吗?如果你能载我一程,我将非常感激。根据语意可知,it为形式宾语,代替真正的宾语if you could give me a lift。 答案:D 5.(陕西西安质检)-May I ask for leave tomorrow? -No, you cant. ______ applying for the scholarship must be present. A.Someone B.Anyone C.One D.No one 解析:考查人称代词的用法。anyone表示“任何人”,即任何申请奖学金的人都必须到场。 答案:B 6.(上海春招)It is said that two man-made structures are clearly visible from space. One is the Great Wall of China, and ______ is Japans Kansai International Airport. A.another B.other C.the other D.either 解析:考查代词的用法。“两者中的一个”用one,“两者中的另一个”用the other,上句有提示two man-made structures,所以用one...the other结构。 答案:C 7.(南开中学)The cars on show are so cheap, but still I cant afford ______. A.it B.this C.one D.that 解析:考查代词。展出的那些车都很便宜,但是我还是买不起一辆车。用one表示没有具体所指的“一个”,这里相当于a car。 答案:C 10.(河南省实验中学一模)Understanding the cultural habits of another nation, especially ______ containing as many different cultures as America is a difficult thing. A.the one B.one C.it D.either 解



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