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基础写作训练;2008年广东高考题 ;1932:重回奥运会 1968:第一次允许妇女参加奥运射击比赛 现状:稳步发展,1896年奥运会只有三项 射击项目,现今有17项。 【写作要求】 只能使用5个句子表达全部内容。 【评分标准】 句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章结构连贯。;① Shooting, originated as a means of survival, developed into a sport only in the late 19th century. ② The sport , which first appeared in 1896, was ever suspended during the 1904 and 1928 Games. ③ It was only four years before the sport returned to the Olympic. ④ However, not until 1968 were women first allowed to compete in the Olympic shooting. ⑤ With the sport becoming more and more popular, it has grown steadily from just 3 shooting events at the 1896 Olympic Games to 17 today.;一、运用同位语;【例2】介绍人物: (2009) 上周我们就中小学生近视问题采访了眼科医生王教授。 Last week, we had an interview with Professor Wang, an eye-doctor, concerning the issue of short-sightedness of the school children in China.;【例3】介绍书名:(2011) 书名: Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother 作者: Amy Chua,美籍华人,耶鲁大学教授 中文版: 2011年初开始在中国销售 A book, Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, written by Amy Chua, an American-Chinese, has been sold in China since the beginning of 2011.;1. Guangzhou is the capital of Guangdong Province. It is located in the middle of Guangdong Province. It is the culture and economy center of Guangdong Province. Guangzhou, the capital and the culture and economy center of Guangdong Province, is located in the middle of Guangdong. ;2. Zhang Hai is male. He is 23 years old. He graduated from Hunan Normal University last year. Zhang Hai, male, 23 years old, graduated from Hunan Normal University last year.;1. 去年,我被邀请参加一个为“待援助的孩子”(Tuesday Child)举办的一个狂欢节(carnival),“待援助的孩子”是一个帮助艾滋患儿的组织。 Last year, I was invited to participate in a carnival for Tuesday Child, ______________________________. ;2. 离2010年还有一个月时间,但《孤星指南》(the Lonely Planet)等不及宣布来年十大旅游城市排行榜,《孤星指南》是世界最畅销旅游指南杂志之一。 There is still more than one month to go before 2012. But the Lonely Planet, _________________________ ___________ , can’t wait to announce its top 10 cities to travel to in the coming year. ;1. 李敏是个女孩子,今年18岁,她


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