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有时为了使句子的连贯性更强,表达也更为贴切、自然,我们在两个或者多个简单句之间加上and,but,or(或者,否则),for(因为),while(而,却),when(就在这个时候)等并列连词,就成为并列复合句。如: ⑴ Our outdoor activity will last 3 hours.We’ll be back at about 11 o’clock →Our outdoor activity will last 3 hours and we’ll be back at about 11 o’clock. ⑵ You must hurry.You’ll miss the plane. →You must hurry or you’ll miss the plane. ⑶ Honey is sweet.The bee stings. →Honey is sweet but the bee stings. 在两个或者多个简单句之间加上when,after,as,because,where,which,who等从属连词,可以使简单句变成复合句,从而扩展成主从复合句。如: ⑴ I forgot to post the letter.I wrote it yesterday.(改为含定语从句的复合句) →I forgot to post the letter which I wrote yesterday. ⑵ He missed the first bus.He came to school late.(改为含状语从句的复合句) →Because he missed the first bus,he came to school late. →He missed the first bus,so he came to school late. [即时练习]按要求对下列句子进行扩展。 1.He was tired.He went to bed. 2.Our teacher must be at home.The door is open. He was tired,so he went to bed. Our teacher must be at home,for the door is open. 3. ⑴ A satellite is an object. ⑵ A satellite travels in an orbit round another object in space. ⑶ A satellite is either natural or manmade. A satellite is an object,either natural or man-made,which travels in an orbit round another object in space. 4. ⑴ Air traffic controllers tell pilots when to land. ⑵ Air traffic controllers tell pilots when to take off. ⑶ Air traffic controllers know the positions of all planes flying to the airport. ⑷ Air traffic controllers know the positions of all planes flying from the airport. ⑸ Air traffic controllers use radar to help them. * 简单句其实也可以不简单,若将简单句与非谓语动词短语、形容词短语、介词短语、同位语、独立主格结构等巧妙地合并在一起,不但可以表达更丰富的内容,而且也使句子变得更精彩,充分显示你在英语表达上的实力。以下各句摘自近年各省市高考写作范文的高级简单句,请欣赏、熟记、模仿: 1.同位语: I want to have a pen friend,hopefully a girl in her early twenties and with interests similar to mine.我想有一个笔友,希望是一个二十出头且兴趣相投的女孩子。(同位语中又有两个并列的介词短语修饰)(全国) 2.形容词短语: Born in American,Thomas Edison was a great scientist and inventor.出生于美国的托马斯·爱迪生是一个伟大的科学家和发明家。(湖南) 3.不定式短语: In order to stu


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