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实战18 21.A 22.A 23.D 24. D26. A 28.B 25.A/B/C 思考:考点是什么? 27.B/C 倒装的时态? 29. 短语辨析 hold up(延迟,阻碍);hold back(隐瞒;抑制); hold down压制;镇压;hold out伸出;维持,坚持 30.A/C 31.A/B ①would rather+句子的用法? ②根据上文补全句子 32.A/B/C 能否是完整句子? 考点是什么? 33.B/C 分析句子,找到考点? 34.C/D时态题, 根据上文补全句子 35. 考查交际用语:依我说(if you ask me) 29. ?She closed her eyes tightly in a vain attempt to?____________the tears They tried every means to?_________?the workers on strike Continuing violence could?_______progress towards reform. He can only?__________?a few more weeks. 25. The most challenging job for game designers is to make their games interesting ______. A. to play B. to be played C. played D. being played 1. I like getting up early in the morning. You know the morning air is so good ______________(breath). 2.The chair looks rather hard, but in fact it is very comfortable ____________(sit). 3.The company made efforts to make its mobile phones comfortable _________(carry.) 27. ① Until we lose them, scarcely _______ how much pleasure and happiness our ordinary lives offer. ② Until we lost them, scarcely ________ how much help and friendship Tom offered. B. do we realize C. did we realize 30. The local guide told the explorers that ropes and knives were ________________ wanted to go into the inner part of the mountain must take along. A. that whoever C. what whoever 31. 回顾 would rather的用法: --would rather do sth. --would rather do sth. than do sth. --would rather + 主语+ did had done 32. ①In the middle of February, the weather ________ favorable for work, the workers began to repair and secure the dam of the river. ②In the middle of February, the weather ________ favorable for work, and the workers began to repair and secure the dam of the river. A. was B. being ①The factory brings out 1000 cars every month, most of __________ are shipped to foreign countries. ②The factory brings out 1000 cars every month, but m


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