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请爱护您的肝脏;你有多愛你的肝臟? HOW MUCH DO YOU LOVE YOUR LIVER?;Hi... Im Your Liver! Let me tell you how much I love you…in 9 ways 嗨! 我是你的肝臟 我告訴你我用了九種方式來愛你;I store the iron reserves you need, as well as a lot of vitamins and other minerals. 我能儲存鐵、維他命及礦物質供你所需。 Without me, you wouldn‘t have the strength to carry on! 如果沒我,你就無法撐下去 !;2. I make bile to help digest your food. 我製造膽汁幫助 消化食物。 Without me, youd waste away to nothing. 如果沒我,你的身體的資源就會消耗殆盡。;3. I detoxify poisonous chemicals you give me, and that includes alcohol, beer, wine and drugs (prescribed and over-the-counter) as well as illegal substances. 我幫你消去有毒的物質包括各種酒類,毒品及你所服用的各種藥物。 Without me, your bad habits would kill you. 如果沒我,你的壞習慣會殺掉你。;4. I store energy, like a battery, by stockpiling sugar (carbohydrates, glucose and fat) until you need it. 我像電池一樣幫你儲存能量,包括醣類及脂肪,供你所需。 Without me, the sugar level in your blood could fall dramatically and you‘d go into a coma. 如果沒我,你的血糖驟降就會陷入昏迷。;5. I make the blood that got your system going even before you were born. 在你還在娘胎中時我就為你製造血液你身上各個系統才能運作。 Without me, you wouldnt be here! 如果沒我,你根本不會存在。;6. I manufacture new proteins that your body needs to stay healthy and grow. 你的身體要健康及成長,我為你製造新的蛋白質。 Without me, you wouldn‘t grow properly! 如果沒我,你不會順利成長。;7. I remove poisons from the air, exhaust smoke and chemicals you breathe. 我在你呼吸時為你消除毒物、煙霧及化學品。 Without me, youd be poisoned by pollutants! 如果沒我,你會被污染物所毒害。;8. I make clotting factors that stop the bleeding when you accidentally prick yourself. 我為你製造凝血因子,你意外受傷時才能止血。 Without me, you‘d bleed to death! 如果沒我,你會流血至死。;9. I help defend you against the germs going into your body all the time. I take those cold germs, flu bugs and other germs you encounter, and knock them dead - or at least weaken them. 我幫助你抵抗侵入體內的致病物,我會殺死它們,起碼也會讓它們很衰弱。 Without me, you‘d be a sitting duck for every infection known to man. 如果沒我,一遇見傳染病你就會像呆頭鴨一樣。;Thats how much I love you... but do you love me? 我就是這樣的愛你… 然而你愛我嗎?;Let me t


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