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武汉简介 Wuhan introduction 武汉,楚文化发祥地之一,素有黄鹤故乡美称。长江及其直流汉江横贯武汉市区,将它一分为三,形成了武昌、汉口、汉阳三足鼎立的局面。因大诗人李白在此写下“黄鹤楼中吹玉笛,江城五月落梅花”,因此武汉又获得“江城”别号。 Wuhan, one of the birthplace of chu culture, known as the HuangHe hometown laudatory name. The Yangtze river and hanjiang river flow across wuhan city, which formed the wuchang, hankou, and hanyang a situation of tripartite confrontation. Therefore, the great poet li bai wrote blowing a jade flute in yellow crane tower, winter sweet fall in the River city in May, so wuhan obtain reputed alias the River city . 武汉方言 Wuhan dialect 武汉方言 Wuhan dialect 武汉方言属于西南官话武天片中的武汉小片 Wuhan dialect belongs to the Wuhan small pieces of southwest mandarin Chinese 有武昌汉口汉阳青山话之分,常年生活在武汉的人可察觉出这些细微的差别 There are Wuchang, Hankou, Hanyang and Qingshan words, people perennial living in Wuhan can detect these nuances 方言特色 dialect characteristic 没有卷舌音 No retroflex consonant 没有轻声 No light tone 五个声调可以清楚分辨 Five tones can be distinguished clearly 经典发音 Classic pronunciation 热 (le) 数 (shou,第4声) 体育(you,第3声) 嘴 (zei,第3声) 祖 (zou) 武汉话基本上把拼音里的u、v换成了ou,ui换成了ei 发展演变 development and evolution 武汉是一个移民城市,九省通衢,南来北往的人很多 Wuhan is a city of migrants and there are thoroughfares to nine provinces. Many people are always on the move 需要一个大家都能接受的口语作为交流的标准 Therefore people need an oral language which everyone can accept as a communication standard 就这样,以武昌官话为基础.再在汉口与各种语言‘杂交’,武汉方言就产生了 Consequently, based on the Wuchang Mandarin Language, then mixing with various Language in Hankou, Wuhan dialect was produced 方言文化 dialect civilization 武汉话少了几分咬文嚼字的绉绉之感,多了几分直率的铿锵烟火气 Wuhan dialect is not bookish but vulgar and approachable 武汉话特别能显示武汉人的热心快肠和急性子 Wuhan dialect really shows that Wuhan people are enthusiastic fast intestinal and impetuous 友情提示 Friendship prompt 武汉地够大,湖够多,天够热,人够恶,东西够好吃! There is great land, many lakes, hot weather, rude people, and fantastic food in Wuhan. 不会一两句武汉话,打车会被宰,购物会被当外码,你还怎么玩啊! Once you cannot speak Wuhan dialect, you will be cheated when you take a


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