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sq基础l语句(国外英文资料) The basic SQL statements From: SQL programming skills Master SQL four basic data manipulation statements: Insert, Select, Update, and Delete. Mastering SQL is a valuable wealth for database users. In this article, we will guide you to master the four basic data manipulation statement - SQL core functions - to review in comparison operators, selection of assertion and three value logic. When youre done with these studies, youre obviously beginning to be proficient in SQL. Before we start, use the CREATE TABLE statement to CREATE a TABLE (as shown in figure 1). DDL statements are defined for database objects such as tables, columns, and views. They do not handle rows in the table because the DDL statement does not handle the actual data in the database. These jobs are processed by another type of SQL statement, the data manipulation language (DML) statement. There are four basic DML operations in SQL: INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE, and DELETE. Since this is often used by most SQL users, it is necessary to specify them here. In figure 1, we present a table named EMPLOYEES. Each row corresponds to a specific employee record. Familiarize yourself with this table, and well use it in the later examples. The INSERT statement The user can INSERT a row record into a specified table with an INSERT statement. For example, to insert the records of employee John Smith into the table of this example, you can use the following statement: INSERT INTO EMPLOYEES VALUES ( Smith , John, 1980-06-10, Los Angles, 16,45000; With this INSERT statement, the system will try to fill in these values in the corresponding column. These columns are in the order that we defined when we created the table. In this case, the first value Smith will be filled in the first column LAST_NAME; The second value John will be filled in the second column FIRST_NAME... And so on. We said that the system would try to fill in the value, and it would have to do type checking except for the rule of executio


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