[科目] 物理(国外英文资料).doc

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[科目] 物理(国外英文资料)

[科目] 物理(国外英文资料) Her collection of Feel very useful So upload to baidu Share it with you! Unit 1: matter is made of molecules Goal of teaching Physical knowledge: (1) the magnitude of the diameter and mass of the general molecule; (2) the meaning of avogadros constant Remember the values and units of this constant; (3) to estimate the diameter of the molecule by means of a single molecule oil membrane Cultivate students ability to estimate in physics It will measure the mass of solid and liquid molecules, the volume of molecules (or the diameter) and the number of molecules, by avogadros constant Education of the method of penetrating physics Use idealization Building a material molecule is a model of the ball To simplify the calculation Idealization of major factors Second, the key, difficult analysis There are two key points One is to make students understand and learn how to estimate the size of molecules (diameter) by using a single molecule oil membrane method. The second is the use of avogadros constant to estimate the microscopic size (the volume, diameter, number of molecules, etc.) of the molecule Although science and technology have reached a high level today But in physics class, it is not possible to show students the real shape and appearance of molecules This makes it difficult to teach the molecular knowledge It also emphasizes the importance of using estimation method and establishing the ideal model method to study the volume, diameter and molecular number of solid and liquid molecules Third, teaching AIDS Teaching charts or slides: a schematic of a single molecule of oil on the surface of the water. Under the ion microscope, the patterns of tungsten atoms are seen Demonstration experiment: demonstration of single molecular oil film: an alcoholic solution (1:200) dropper The diameter is about 20CC round sink Burn out A transparent plastic sheet with a grid line Fourth, main teaching process (-) a brief introduction to heat content Heat: physical phe


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