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中国医科大学2013年1月考试《生理学(本科)》在线作业(第5次)(国外英文资料) Chinese medical university in January 2013, physiology (undergraduate) online homework A, single topic selection Glucose passes through the red cell membrane Simple diffusion B. Diffusion Primary active transport Secondary active transport E. into the cell Correct answer: B The cause of the peak of luteinizing in the blood before ovulation is The positive feedback of progesterone in blood to the pituitary gland B. High levels of estrogen in the blood are positive for adenohypophysis The combination of estrogen and progesterone in blood D. Follicle stimulating hormone E. A small amount of luteinizing agent itself has short feedback Correct answer: B The main part of the absorption of water and nutrients is A. the colon B. the small intestine C. the stomach D. the cecum The mouth and the esophagus Correct answer: B Organizational change means The gas exchange between the alveoli and the capillaries The gas exchange between the tissue and the capillaries The gas exchange between c. organelles D. The gas exchange inside and outside the mitochondrial membrane The exchange of gases inside and outside the red blood cells Correct answer: B The main factor affecting the precapillary sphincter activity is A. norepinephrine adrenalin C. tissue metabolism acetylcholine E. histamine Correct answer: C The area of the cerebral cortex, which governs the movement of the bodys distal muscles postcentral B. The front of the center is in the 6th district C. The front of the center is in the 4th quarter D. motor AIDS Before the center of the center Correct answer: C The reason for the increase in the presence of macrocytes in most patients with gastric removal is the reason A. HCl to reduce B. the lack of internal factors C. mucus decrease D. reduce E. the secretion of pepsin is decreased Correct answer: B The glucocorticoids themselves have no vasculature effect, but they can strengthen the vasculature of norepinephrine, which is called synergy


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