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中学农村中小学现代远程教育试点示范项目工程汇报材料(国外英文资料) Comprehensive development is given priority to with school-based training teacher training, vigorously carry out education research activity, open teachers knowledge view from different angles and levels, accepted the modern education new ideas, to comprehensively promote quality education, improve education teaching has laid a solid foundation. Second, we will carefully organize the training of party cadres and farmers in rural areas. On the one hand, organization of rural party members and cadres to political theory, laws and regulations and typical experience of a large number of teaching resources, improve the overall rural party members and cadres quality in play a better role; On the other hand backbone farmers combine organization structure adjustment and seasonal watch the use of advanced agricultural technology, in promoting the local social and economic development has played a good role. The main problems and difficulties of existence Shortage of funds and difficulties in operation. Under normal use in our school, two rooms and a multi-function classroom monthly electricity, equipment maintenance will increase spending more than 5000 yuan, because our school adopted a policy of one fee system charge, which is hard to bear, funds shortage will seriously affect and restrict the normal maintenance of remote education equipment, management and use. School teachers are in short supply, and it is difficult to equip them with full-time staff. 5, step down Strengthen the training of management personnel in our school, and form a team of management technicians to meet the needs of the work. Put the remote education of primary and secondary schools and science and technology training and rural party member cadre education, pays special attention to the development and utilization of courseware, and create a local, further achieve complementary advantages and sharing of education resources. 2, continue to strengthen the system cons


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