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初三语文中考说明(国外英文资料) (see appendix 2, 3) with the help of the basic grammar knowledge, analyze and modify the common pragmatically. (collocation is improper, the improper word order, fragmentary composition, composition is redundant, structure disorder, etc.). To understand the common rhetoric methods (metaphor, personification, hyperbole, parallelism, antithesis, over and over again, ask), the body will they expressed in specific context. Arrange order, make the cohesion of coherent. Be able to copy write sentences according to requirements. Oral communication can according to the object and the occasion, concise, coherent, civilization correctly to communicate. 能针对不同对象,自信,负责地表达自己的观点. 能抓住对方表达的要点,并能简要转述. 古代诗词阅读(见附录四) 古代诗词阅读(见附录四) 理解词义和句意. 划分朗读节奏. 欣赏词语和句子. 理解诗词的基本内容和作者所表达的情感. 体会诗词的语言和写法. 文言文阅读 理解常见文言实词在文章中的含义. 理解常见文言虚词(之,其,而,以,于,乃,虽,为,者,且,则,乎, 然,与)在文章中的含义和用法. 理解并翻译文章中的句子. 理解文章的基本内容,归纳文章内容要点. 分析概括文章所表达的作者的观点态度. 对文章的内容,语言和写法有自己的体会和见解. 现代文阅读 能阅读记叙文,说明文和议论文. 整体感知文章的主要内容,把握文章的中心. 理解段落之间的关系,理清文章思路. 理解重要的词语和句子在具体语言环境中的意义和作用. 了解叙述,描写,说明,议论,抒情等表达方式在文章中的作用. 领会科技作品中说体现的科学精神和科学思想方法. 区分简单议论文中的观点和材料(道理,事实,数据,图标等) ,发现观点 和材料之间的关系,并通过自己的思考,作出判断. 体会作者在文章中所表达的态度,观点和情感. 筛选并提取文章中的重要信息. 理解并欣赏文学作品中的形象,语言和表达技巧. 评价文章的思想内容和作者的观点态度. 对文章的内容,语言和写法有自己的心得,能就某一方面提出自己的看法或 疑问. 写作 能写记叙文,简单的说明文和简单的议论文. 根据需要,能写简单的应用 文. 准确,全面的理解题意,根据题意和写作要求写作.中心明确,思想健康, 条理清楚,语言通顺地表达自己的意思,力求有创意地表达. 写记叙文,做到内容具体; Write simple and clear text and make it clear; Write simple comments and make sure you have the facts. To expand and write according to the inner relation of the article and its own reasonable imagination; Can transform the article style and expression, etc., to rewrite. According to the needs of expression, choosing the right expression. Reasonable use of the association and imagination, enrich the content of expression. Writing standards, regular, clean and tidy. A comprehensive study The integrated use of language ability to solve practical problems in their lives. According to the set of circumstances and the info


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