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NTFS多种优点和FAT32有什么区别详细说明 File allocation table (FAT) A file system that organizes and manages files for ms-dos and other Windows operating systems. The file allocation table (FAT) is a data structure created by Windows when you format a particular volume using the FAT or FAT32 file system. Windows stores files relevant information in FAT for later retrieval of files. FAT32 A file system derived from a file distribution table (FAT) file system. FAT32 is able to support smaller clusters and larger capacity than FAT, allowing for more efficient allocation of disk space in FAT32 volumes. NTFS file system A high-level file system that offers performance, security, reliability, and advanced features that are not available in a variety of FAT versions. For example, NTFS ensures volume consistency through standard transaction logging and recovery techniques. If the system fails, NTFS can use log files and checkpoint information to restore the file system consistency. In Windows 2000 and Windows XP, NTFS also offers advanced features such as file and folder permissions, encryption, disk quotas, and compression. Choose between NTFS, FAT and FAT32 On the Windows XP machine, you can choose between three different file systems for disk partitions, NTRS, FAT, and FAT32. NTFS is strongly recommend you to use the file system, compared with FAT or FAT32, it has more powerful functions, and contains the Active Directory and other important security features needed for various functions. Only by choosing NTFS as a file system, you can use features such as Active Directory and domain-based security. The choice of NTFS and FAT32 Win 2000 can also support both the FAT32 and NTFS file systems, and the FAT32 is compatible with Win 9X, and NTFS is good for system security. How do you set up the file system to fully leverage the features of Windows 2000 when you are satisfied with the application? Before we discuss this, lets take a look at the characteristics of the FAT32 and NTFS. FAT32 fil


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