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人员分析 The test number: B1209678 Occupational tendency assessment report CMHFBZ The 2009-9-11 This report is for reference only for the purposes of this report Occupational assessment report - CMHFBZ report · the purpose of this test is to help you understand yourself more fully, broaden your thinking and choices in your career, rather than limiting your choices. · there is no absolute good and bad in the report, and every personality has its advantages and disadvantages. · the full content of this report is only as a reference for your decision making when you are studying, choosing a career, and when you are studying. This report includes the following The report reads that... Page 1 An overview of the horland vocational preference test... Page 2 The noil score table... Page 3 The results of the noil result... Page 4 A description of the job description... On page 6 This is a reference to... Page 7 The end of the year... Page 8 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Page 1, a total of eight pages Occupational assessment report - CMHFBZ A summary of the Holland career preference test In the face of career choice, each person shows a certain tendency in the field of professional interest and suitable work area. Yet most people dont know (or really know) what they are most interested in and most suitable for. At the same time, in the modern society, the number of different industries and professional there are hundreds of thousands of species, it is often difficult to us among thousands of professional, to determine what kind of career is best for yourself. A more feasible method, therefore, was that the development of the career as a limited number, reasonable division of professional groups, and then find themselves in these professions group are most interested in prof


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