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教育心理学试题 Call RzxSetIdLogIn One, a single choice question (in the four alternative answers, choose a correct answer, one for each, and 15 for each question.) 1, 1868, Russian educator ushinski published (), summarizes the achievements in the psychology development, ushinski therefore referred to as the founder of the Russian education psychology. The great teaching theory b. people are the objects of education. Psychology of education D. It is a question of the works of the educators in the early period. There was also a regular test of the publication of the education psychology by thorndike in 1903, and the Russian first book, the psychology of education, was published by Russian callejeev. Elementary school students who are praised by their teachers for their attention in class and become absorbed in the habit of listening. A. Classical conditioning b. operating conditioned reflex C. the connection is a natural one Answer: B parse examines the topic is the study of theory, classical conditioning is proposed by Pavlov, due to the occurrence of the event to make our reaction in a certain way, can only explain some specific, passive behavior. If you see a strong light closing, the basic process of operating conditional reflex is an operation that increases the probability of the operation. In this case, primary school students are praised and active, not passive. The connection response is the point that thorndike makes, which is that the error response is gradually decreasing, the correct response is gradually consolidated, and eventually the stable stimulus-response connection is formed. In wieners tridimensional attribution model, task difficulty belongs to (). A. internal, stable, uncontrollable b. external, stable, uncontrollable C. internal, unstable, controlled d. external, unstable, controlled Answer: B [resolution] wiener attribution, the result of the behavior of the attribution of three dimensions: internal attribution and external attribution, stability a


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