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The Old Man and the Sea ---Hemingway A brief introduction of the author A brief introduction of the content the purpose of this book My feeling Hemingway 1899-1961, American novelist and short-story writer.He is one of the great American writers of the 20th century. Hemingway worked as a reporter for the Kansas City Star after graduating from high school in 1917. During World War I, he served as an ambulance driver in France and in the Italian infantry and was wounded just before his 19th birthday.During the Spanish Civil War, Hemingway served as a correspondent on the loyalist side. He fought in World War II and then settled in Cuba in 1945. In 1954, Hemingway was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. Hemingways distinctive writing style is characterized by economy and understatement, and had a significant influence on the development of twentieth-century fiction writing. Hemingway 返回 A brief introduction of the content This book is about: an old fisherman, he is called the San Diego. The old fisherman for eighty-four straight days at sea without fish. At first, there is a boy who called Manolin companied him to sea, but after forty days without a fish the boy’s was arranged to another vessel by his parents, because they think that child follow the old man having bad luck. Eighty-five days, He sets out on his rickety skiff. Finally, a huge Marlin has found San Diegos bait and this sets off a very long struggle between the two. The Marlin is so huge that it drags San Diego beyond all other boats and people .His hands become badly cramped and he is cut and bruised from the force of the fish. For a while , a pack of sharks detects the blood in the water and follow the trail to San Diegos skiff. Each shark takes a huge bite out of the Marlin, but the old man fends them off, himself now bruised, but alive. He is barely able to walk and slowly staggers back to his hut, where he falls into bed


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