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摘 要 随着科技的发展,机械制造行业已经是我国技术进步和社会发展的支柱产业之一。无论是传统产业,还是新兴的机械制造产业,都离不开形式各样的机械制造设备。本次毕业设计的内容主要内容就是对CA6140机床拨叉的工艺规程制定和对其中孔及若干平面加工工序的夹具设计进行研究和探讨。在工艺规程编制方面,主要通过仔细分析拨叉零件图和相关技术要求,查阅零件相关资料,考虑了零件的工艺结构要求、批量生产要求、经济性、可行性等多方面因素,最终安排工序,并完成加工,其中包括各道工序的加工方法,机床、刀具、夹具、辅具、量具的选择,基准面的选取,定位和夹紧方案的拟定,并将其编入工序卡片,清晰明了的表达出了整个加工过程。另外,在专用夹具设计方面,主要对一孔、一平面的加工工序进行了夹具方案的分析,计算和最终完成设计任务。 关键词:拨叉;工艺路线;定位与夹紧;专用夹具设计 Abstract With the development of science and technology, machinery manufacturing industry of China has been technological progress and social development of pillar industries. Whether in traditional industries or new industries, it is inseparable from a wide range of machinery and equipment. This graduation of content which is the study about the protocol development process and the fixture design of the hole and some plane processing procedure. In terms of process rules, primarily through a careful analysis of the product parts and related technical requirements, check the parts relevant information considered part of the process of structural requirements, batch, and economics, feasibility, and more factors. The final arrangements for the operations to finish processing, including the operations of processing method, machine tools, tooling, fixtures, assistive devices, measurement apparatus selection, select datum, positioning and clamp authoring, and process card, clarity of expression out the whole processing procedure. In addition, in fixture design, the main design about a hole, a flat and a groove machining process has been analysised, computation and finally to complete the design task. Key words: Plectrum; process route; positioning and clamping; dedicated fixture design 目 录 摘 要 I Abstract II 第1章 绪论 1 1.1 夹具设计的意义 1 1.2 夹具设计研究概述 2 1.2.1 夹具的定义 2 1.2.2 夹具发展概况 2 1.2.3 夹具设计要解决的主要问题 3 1.3 夹具的功能 4 1.4 夹具组成 4 1.4.1 夹具的基本组成部分 4 1.4.2 夹具的其他组成部分 5 1.5 夹具的分类 5 1.5.1 按夹具的通用特性分类 5 1.5.2 按夹具使用的机床分类 5 1.6 夹具使用优点 7 1.7 夹具设计要求 7 1.7.1 夹具设计基本要求 7 1.7.2 生产对其提出的新要求



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