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青岛农业大学海都学院 本科生毕业论文(设计) 题 目: 焊缝自动打磨机设计 姓 名: 刘昱轲 系 别: 工程系 专 业: 机械设计制造及其自动化 班 级: 机制专升本2班 学 号: 2011701247 指导教师: 侯明亮 完成时间: 2013-6-15 2013年 6 月 15 日 摘 要 目前,大部分金属结构行业加工能力有限,对于焊缝的处理还处于低级水平,导致成本投入高、生产效率低和工作环境差。本次设计针对打磨设备机型小和机械化程度不高的特点,设计焊缝自动打磨机,目的在于解决实际生产焊缝的处理问题。与传统小型打磨相比,本次设计的打磨机的主要特点是自动和环保。通过电机应用代替人力实现自动。设计了砂轮罩,用于阻挡切屑和灰尘,实现环保。结合模具的特点,设计了小车和工字钢导轨。通过小车在工字钢导轨内的移动实现X向的运动,通过工字钢导轨的移动实现Y向的移动,最终实现平面上点的运动。在设计过程中,根据打磨时砂轮受摩擦力的作用,对焊缝自动打磨机主要零部件进行设计和计算。该设备可对钢轨模具的上表面焊缝进行实际打磨处理,实现劳动力的解放和生产效率的提高。最终提高企业在同行业领域竞争力。 关键词: 模具 焊缝 打磨机 小车 轨道 Design of the Welded Joint Automatic Dresser Abstract At present, the processing ability of majority of metal structure profession is limited, and the processing of welded joint is still in the preliminary level, which causes the high cost investing, the low production efficiency and the bad working conditions. In view of characteristic of small type polishing equipments and low mechanization degree to design the welded joint automatic dresser, in order to solve the actual question of the welded joint processing. Compared with the traditional small polish, this designed dresser main characteristic is automation and the environmental protection. Replaces the manpower to be automatic through the motor application. The grinding wheel cover designed, which used to preventing the scrap and the dust, can realize environmental protection. Combined with the characteristic of mold, has designed the cart and the I-steel guide rail. Realize the movement through the cart in I-steel guide rail migration which X approaches, realizes the migration through the I-steel guide rail migration which Y approaches, finally get a point movement. When


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