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沈阳大型超市顾客满意度测评研究 系(部 经 管 系 专 业 班 级 学 号 姓 名 指导教师 沈阳航空航天大学北方科技学院 20年月 摘 要 近年来我国的零售业尤其是大型商场取得了飞速的发展,但随着我国市场的全面开放,许多发展较我国成熟很多的大型国外的商场、超市的进驻,以及愈来愈受人欢迎的网购的流行,国内大型商场的所面临的竞争愈发激烈,如何在如此严峻的市场环境下更好的生存是每一个大型商场所面临的严峻问题。 关键词: 顾客满意度 大型超市 商品结构 Abstract(Times New Roman体、、居中) Especially in recent years our countrys retail shopping malls have achieved rapid development, but along with our country market fully open, attracted a lot of development is relatively mature in our country a lot of the presence of a large foreign department stores, supermarkets, and the popularity of online shopping is getting more and more popular, the domestic shopping malls facing the increasingly fierce competition, how to better survive in such a tough market environment is a serious problem facing the large-scale mall. Retailing is becoming more and more fierce competition, the enterprise in the increasingly competitive circumstances keep competitive advantage has become the key to large-scale comprehensive supermarket has been realized that only by constantly creating and maintaining customer satisfaction is a severe challenge, win the competitive advantage of important source market strategy and long-term benefits. Wide in shenyang, this article selects the appropriate tesco is evaluated, the processes and methods for testing and appraising customers satisfaction degree were in-depth study, construct a specific customer satisfaction index evaluation model and evaluation data, through on-the-spot investigation and analysis the advantages and disadvantages of customer satisfaction for, thus according to the customer satisfaction development advantage to improve the disadvantage, customer satisfaction and provide Suggestions for its strategy and competition ability to ascend, and therefore the customer satisfaction survey research is particularly important. Keywords: Customer satisfaction Large supermarket Commodity structure 目



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