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11 4 辽宁工程技术大学学报( 社会科学版) Vol. 11, No. 4 2 0 0 9 7 Journal of Liaoning T echnical U niversit ( Social Science Edition) Jul 2009 辽朝建立前契丹族文化与习俗考 张志勇 ( , 123000) : , ( ) , , 靺鞨女真等, 就契丹族早期文化与习俗及其特点进 , , , , , , , , : ; ; ; ; ; ; : K 249 : A : 1008- 391X( 2009) 04- 0372- 04 Khitans culture and conventi on bef ore Li ao Dynasty ZHANG Zhi ong ( Administration and Law Department, Liaoning Technical U niversit , Fux in 123000, China) Abstract: Based on limited liter ature and ar chaeological data, the article is about earl Khitans cultur e and convention and its characteristics, w hich is mainl based on Khitans culture and convention before, in and after Liao D nast , comparing w ith north nationnalities having internal relation w ith Khitan such as the Xiongnu, Xianbei, Xi, Shiw ei, Mohe, Nuzhen and so on. Khitan had its ow n culture and convention as earl as before the founding of Liao D nast . Khitans culture and convention w as mainl show ned in its econom , militar , social organizations, marriage and funaral, religion, moralit , belief, food, clothing, housing and transportation. Beijing primitive, mobile, r ough, assimilating, learning and creative are the features of Khitans cultur e and convention. Key words: khitan; earl culture; pastor al econom ; representative s stem of sending troops; Chaice cere man ; punishment of shaving head; felt net ( 接上期) , , : ! , , , , , , , , , , , ∀ [ 26] , :! , , , , ∀ [25] , : ! : , , , , , , 2 ∀ [ 10] , , , , , ! ∀ , , , 1. 23m , , , , [27] , , 1 , 1 , : 2008- 10- 10 : ( 1960- ) , , , , 4 :


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