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医院门诊收费系统 ? 学 生 姓 名: 学 院: 专 业: 班 级: 学 号: 指 导 教 师: 审 阅 教 师: 完 成 日 期: 摘 要 进入21世纪以来,网络的空前发展给人们的工作和生活带来了极大的便利,信息化建设已经成为节约运营成本、提高工作效率的首选。相比之下,国内相当数量的中小医院的医院预约挂号工作还采用相对保守的手工工作方式,数据信息查询和存储的成本较高,但效率却很低下。为了使医院预约挂号管理更高效、更科学。本文采用结构化分析方法,详细阐述了一个功能比较强大的的前后台开发、操作流程和涉及的一些关键技术。首先进行了,通过实际的业务流程调研,分析业务流程系统的,数据流分析和数据字典设计阶段完成了功能模块的划分、数据库的设计和系统。该阶段对本系统各个模块的功能进行了详细设计,形成了的功能模块图;数据库设计时先进行了概念结构设计,后进行了逻辑结构设计,。根据前几个阶段的分析和设计,在设计方面采用B/S,同时使用JSP技术进行页面的设计,后台数据库选用数据库。 Abstract In the 21st century, the unprecedented development of the network to the peoples work and life has brought great convenience, information technology has become operational cost savings, improve efficiency of choice. In contrast, a considerable number of domestic small and medium hospitals, hospital appointment registration work is relatively conservative with manual work, data query and the high cost of storage, but the efficiency is very low. To make an appointment by registered hospital management more efficient, more science, decided to develop the hospital appointment registration platform. In this paper, structural analysis, a function described in detail more powerful platform for the hospital before and after the appointment register sets and development, operational processes, and some of the key technologies involved. First, a feasibility analysis, and system analysis, business process through the actual research, analyze business processes and organizational structure of the system to complete the data flow analysis and data dictionary; then completed the system design phase is mainly divided into functional modules, elaborated the idea of ??the system design, database design and system design tools and techniques. This phase of the system function of each module in detail the design, forming a func


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