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Giving divorce a bad name英汉翻译

高兰 物二 Giving divorce a bad name给分裂一个坏名声 South Sudan has invaded parts of the north less than a year after its secession南苏丹侵入部分北部后不到一年的时间里把它从塞尔维亚独立出去.Apr 14th 2012 | KHARTOUM | from the print editionTHE cold war between Africa’s newest neighbours is heating up. South Sudanese troops advanced deep into Sudan on April 10th, capturing its most valuable oilfield, Heglig, in the biggest clash since the south seceded from the north last July. Southern troops claimed to be responding to air and ground attacks from their former master, but the scale of the offensive is unprecedented. A fragile peace process that has survived several bumps in the past few months may now falter. Sudan has suspended its participation in the divorce negotiations in neighbouring Ethiopia. Parliaments in both countries are calling for military mobilisation. The drums of war beat ever louder. 非洲的最新邻居之间的冷战正在加热。在4月10号苏丹军队深入苏丹捕捉它最有价值的油田,黑格里,自从7月末南部脱离北部后最大的冲突。南方部队宣称是原来主人的回应的空中和地面袭击,但是大规模的进攻是前所未有的。一个脆弱的和平进程,虽经在过去几个月里数次颠簸现在可能要延迟。苏丹已经暂停参与在相邻的诶塞尔比亚的分裂谈判。两国议会都进行军事动员。战鼓击打的更响了。 The last straw could be South Sudan claiming Heglig as its own. A ruling by the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague in 2009 appears to put the field in the Sudanese state of Southern Kordofan. But the south now disputes this. “Heglig is deep inside our borders,” says Colonel Philip Aguer, a spokesman for South Sudan’s army, adding that its troops have moved farther north. Sudan will not accept this, and for once it seems to be getting some international support. The African Union is calling on the south to withdraw its soldiers immediately and unconditionally. Sudan has complained to the UN Security Council.最后一根稻草是南苏丹宣称黑格里属于自己。一则在海牙永久法庭的仲裁把这块地区划分给南苏丹。但是,南部现在争论说黑格里是边境深处。南苏丹军队发言人,菲利普上校如此说,并补充说,军队已经转移到更北。苏丹并不会接受这个,一旦它变得有些国际支持。非洲联盟呼吁南方士兵立即无条件撤回。苏丹一直在向联合国安理会抱怨。The crisis is a direct result of both sides’ failure to make progress in negotiations over post-secession security arrangements, citizenship rules and oil revenues


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