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2014年高考福建卷—英语 Many of us were raised with the sayingWaste not,want not.” None of us, (76)h , can completely avoid waste in our lives. Any kind of waste is thoughtless.Whether we waste our potential talents, our own time, our limited natural(77) (资源), our money, or other peoples time, each of us can become more aware and careful. The smallest good habits can make a big (78) d . Its a good feeling to know in our hearts we are doing our (79)b in a world that is in serious trouble.By focusing on(80) (节省) oil, water, paper, food, and clothing,we are playing a part (81) cutting down on waste. We must keep reminding (82) (自己)that it is easier to get into something (83) it is to get out of it. Actually, severe damage (84)d to our land is fairly recent in the history of our evolution. Its time for us to (85) no to waste so that our grandchildren’s children will be able to develop well. We cant solve all the problems of waste, but we can encourage mindfulness. Waste not! 书面表达(满分25分) 如何理解“成功”,不同的人有不同的看法。请认真阅读下面的引语( quotation),按要求用英语写一篇短文。 “Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm. - Sir Winston, Churchill 内容要求: 1.你对该引语的理解: 2.你的相关经历: 3.恰当的结尾。 注意: 1.短文开头已给出,不计人总词数: 2.文中不能出现考生的具体信息: 3.词数:120左右。 This quotation from Winston Churchill tells us that__________________________ 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 21. In some countries, people eat with chopsticks, while in , knives and forks. A. another B. others C. both D. All 22. Our club is open to everyone ____ age, sex or educational background. A. due to B. except for C. along with D. regardless of 23.—Havent seen you for ages! Where have you been? —I went to Ningxia and there for one year, teaching as a volunteer. A. stayed B. stay C. ha


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