导尿术 幻灯片1.ppt

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导尿术 幻灯片1

Sun Simiao The man who invented urethral catheterization Earliest medical writings Ancient Babylon: code of Hammurabi(1792-1750BC) Made no mention of urinary catheterisation Ancient Egypt: the Edwin Smith Papyrus (1700BC) Made no mention of urinary catheterisation Ancient India: Sushruta Samhita (300-400BC?) Gold, silver , iron tube for catheterisation The data of the book is controversial and no detail provided Ancient Roma: De Medicina (30BC) Only list possible instrument for catheterisation No detail provided Spring Onion catheter: step by step Spring Onion catheter: step by step Possible Mechanism Use of air to dilate the urethra Relaxation of smooth muscle within the prostate and bladder neck Increased pressure within the bladder Peter M. Thompson King’s College Hospital, London, UK Wei Wang Beijing Tongren Hospital, Beijing, China Lyons AS and Retrucelli RJ. An Illustrated history. 1978 Step1: Find a suitable spring onion leaf Step 2: Put the spring onion into urethra about 3 cun (≈10cm) Step 3: blow air from the external outlet of the hollow leaf Du Y. A brief history of the application of urethral catheterization in ancient China zhonghuayishi 1995 Feature pen , quill pen connact with pig bladder Based on the history ,we know that An early india surgical text describe use tube for catheterization The medical practitioner with his expanding armamentarium of skill has been a consistent feature of human society, even in its earliest congregations. earliest written records The urge to comfort and help the sick, the formulation of rational methods of therapy,and the intellectual curiosity to classif y and understand disease processes are traits at the heart of human civilization. archaeologist Roman encyclopaedist list surgical insturmnents and applicances inculding So, how he did 10cm, be careful, he did not insert the leaf into bladder


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